Exchange 2007/10 Activity Reports

To search for and generate a report on all delays in mail activity for selected Microsoft Exchange servers during a specified time interval, use the Exchange 2007/10 Real-Time Report.

Menu path: Reports > Mail Activity > Exchange 2007/10 Activity

In addition to setting the common report options in Preparing a Real-time Report, you can select optional filter operators in the generated report.

You can select to view various options in ascending or descending order. Choose the sort order by using the drop-down menu. By default, the Source Device, Sender, Recipient, and Count are shown.

For information on saving the generated report, see Formats for Saving a Generated Report.

Exchange 2007/10 Activity Report - Optional Filter Operators
Option Description
Source Device Name of the Microsoft Exchange device
Sender Email address of the sender
Recipient Email address of the recipient
Count Number of emails