Configuring Server and Client in Different VPC Subnets


To configure backup or archive operation:

  1. On the client VPC:
    1. Allocate an elastic network interface with fixed private IP, and an elastic IP.
    2. While launching the LogLogic LMI instance through AMI, associate the elastic IP to the elastic interface.
  2. On the server VPC:
    1. Allocate another elastic IP-network interface pair for the server, and assign it to the server instance.
    2. Configure LogLogic LMI elastic IP as the client IP.
  3. On the LogLogic LMI instance:
    1. Assign the elastic interface from step 1b to the LogLogic LMI AWS instance.
    2. Configure the server's elastic IP from step 2a as the archive or backup destination.

To configure restore operation:

  1. Make sure that the same pair of elastic IP-network interface, where backup data was taken, is available for use.
  2. On the client VPC, deploy an LogLogic LMI AMI snapshot or a new AMI image, and assign the elastic IP-network interface pair to it, so that the same public and private IPs as those of the server are used.
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