Search Overview

LogLogic provides search and reporting tools for finding specific information in collected log message content.

The tool you use varies depending on the task you want to perform.

Index Search
Search on indexed log source messages using a Boolean expression and see the results quickly. Use Index Search when a simple, fast search can provide the information you need to analyze failures or other anomalies.
Regular Expression (RegEx) Search
Search using a single regular expression or pre-defined search filter, either immediately or at a scheduled time.
Real Time Viewer
The Real-Time Viewer shows an immediate scrolling display of real-time log messages as they are received by the appliance. The options form allows for pre-filtering of these messages by log source or device group, message severity, and text matches. Only log messages meeting the filter settings are shown. See Log Messages in Real Time.
Index Report
Generate a report based on indexed data using pre-defined Boolean search filters. Essentially, an Index Report is a compilation of multiple Index Searches run at once. You can specify one or more pre-defined filters to use, and add additional criteria to those filters.
Search and Reporting Feature Comparison
Feature Index 
Report Index 
Search RegEx 
Search Real Time Viewer
Multiple filters in search Yes No No Yes
Boolean Expressions Yes Yes No No
Regular Expressions No No Yes Yes
Graphical Results Available Yes Yes No No
Graphically view trends over time or log sources No Yes No No
Schedulable Search Yes Yes Yes No
Save customized search criteria for future use Yes Yes Yes Yes
View finished/past search results No No Yes No
Note: For a simple search to match a specific string, use Index Search. To search for strings that match more complex patterns, use RegEx Search.