Log Messages in Real Time

The messages shown are determined by your input in the Real-Time Viewer tab Search Filter section.

Based on your selections in the Real-Time Viewer tab, the Real-Time Viewer: Log Messages tab shows a scrolling view of log messages in real time as they are received by the appliance.

If you need to scroll through the incoming messages, click Pause. However, messages that arrive while the view is paused are skipped by the view; they do not get displayed when you resume.

Note: Messages larger than 64KB are not supported by the Real-time Viewer.
Real-Time Viewer: Log Messages Screen Elements
Element Description
Selected Device Displays the appliance source device name for the selection in the Real-Time Viewer Filter form.
Status Status of the Real-Time Viewer display.
Stops the real-time view of the incoming log messages.

If you pause the view, Real-Time Viewer skips incoming messages until you click Resume. The number of skipped messages is displayed next to Status: Paused.

Starts the real-time view of the incoming log messages.
Deletes the view of the incoming log messages and refreshes the page.
Refreshes the view of the incoming log messages.
The number of lines to store in the buffer for viewing. The default is 10000. To change the buffer size, type the number of lines and click the Buffer Size button.
Returns the user to the Real Time Viewer page, where the existing settings can be viewed and changed. After your changes (or to keep the current settings) click the Run button.