Security Settings

Security settings for internal and external communication between different nodes of LogLogic LMI are stored in the /loglogic/conf/llsecurity.conf file.

For enhanced security, LogLogic LMI provides:

Two-factor authentication

By default, two-factor authentication is disabled in LogLogic LMI. However, you can enable this feature by configuring parameters in the /loglogic/conf/llsecurity.conf file.


Before enabling two-factor authentication, ensure that:
  • SSL certificates have been issued to all users.
  • The Distinguished Name (DN) in the user's SSL certificate matches the user name in LogLogic LMI.
  • Users have imported the SSL certificates in the browser to access LogLogic LMI.

    If a user removes or deletes a certificate from the browser, the browser cache must be cleared and the browser restarted.


  1. Connect to the appliance by using SSH and edit the /loglogic/conf/llsecurity.conf file.
  2. Configure the following parameters in the file:
    Parameter Default Value Description
    CLIENT_AUTH_ENABLED false (disabled) Enables or disables client authentication.
    CA_CERT_FILE_PATH (empty) Path to the extra client CA certificate file.

    For example, /loglogic/conf/<CA_CERT_FILE>

    Applicable only if two-factor authentication is enabled.

  3. After making any changes to these parameters, restart the LogLogic LMI application by running the following commands:
    1. $ mtask stop
    2. $ mtask start