Overview of the Web Services API

The TIBCO LogLogic Web Services API is used to develop programs, or use Web Services tools, to interface with the LogLogic LMI appliances. You can use the Web Services API to run the classic features of LogLogic LMI: reports and searches, manage alert rules, manage user accounts, manage forwarding rules, and manage search filters.

The API is XML Web Services-based to provide a standardize API transport.
Note: The APIs described in this guide are not applicable to the Advanced Features of LogLogic LMI.

TIBCO LogLogic provides the following main services:


To use the TIBCO LogLogic Web Services API, you need:

  • A software tool to integrate your applications with the TIBCO LogLogic Web Services API (such as Apache Axis (for Java and C++ clients) or SOAP::Lite (for Perl clients).
  • A software tool to create the client side API code (such as wsdl2java or wsdl2perl).
  • The LogLogic WSDL file, downloaded from the LogLogic LMI appliance from https://<Appliance-IP>/logapp20/services/listServices
  • A software tool to generate client stubs
  • LogLogic LMI appliance user with the Allow this user account to connect to the Appliance via Web Services option enabled
  • Port 443 on the LogLogic LMI appliance for accessing the Web Services API calls.