Rerunning and Editing settings of a previously saved report (Denied Connections)

Settings of a previously saved report can be edited and you can rerun the report.


  1. Select Reports > Network Activity > Denied Connections from the Home page.
  2. To run the saved report, click and then click the Run button on the Date and Time Range Picker that pops up.
  3. After the Denied Connections report opens, click the Edit Settings button.
  4. Click Properties to open the Properties Dialog pane.
  5. Enter your data and click OK.
  6. To add a schedule for the Denied Connections report, click the Scheduling link.

    The Add a Schedule pane opens on the right side. You can define a Timeframe, Email Recipients (pre-defined system users), and Formatting options. Click the Manage Recipients button to update the appliance address book. Using this option, you can add new or modify recipient addresses that are non-defined system users (that are not defined under Management > Users page).

  7. Click the Add Schedule button at the bottom of the Timeframe pane to confirm the schedule for the Denied Connections report.
  8. Click Save and Close on the Properties window to save your entries.
  9. View the saved schedule for the Denied Connections report.
  10. To make further changes to the Denied Connections report, repeat Steps Step 1Step 9.