Available Operators

Multiple filter operators are available for each report.

These operators are listed in the Optional Filter Operators table.
Note: Some report columns display as empty when the actual value is either null or an empty string.
  • If the value is null, you can filter using --null--.
  • If the value is an empty string, you can filter using two single quotes ".
    Optional Filter Operators
    Operator Description
    = Specifies an acceptable substitution for a word in a query.
    != Specifies to not substitute a word in a query.
    in Displays data in the results that contains the specified word in a list.
    not in Excludes data in the results that contains the specified word in a list
    like Displays data that has a partial match to the value you type.

    For example, you can use this operator to type a partial IP address such as 10.2.3.*. This type of search returns all IP addresses which contain these numbers.

    not like Excludes data that contains a partial match to the value you type.
    contain Displays data that matches the alphanumeric string you type.

    For example, you can use this operator to type a string such as 'Accessed URL' for any detailed message. This type of search returns all detailed messages which contains, starts with, or ends with the value 'Accessed URL'.

    not contain Excludes data that matches the alphanumeric string you type.
    start with Displays data that begins with the alphanumeric value you type.

    For example, you can use this operator to type a string such as 'Accessed URL' for any detailed message. This type of search returns all detailed messages which contains, starts with, or ends with the value 'Accessed URL'.

    not start with Excludes data that begins with the alphanumeric value you type.
    end with Displays data that ends with the alphanumeric value you type.

    For example, you can use this operator to type a string such as 'Accessed URL' for any detailed message. This type of search returns all detailed messages which contains, starts with, or ends with the value 'Accessed URL'.

    not end with Excludes data that ends with the alphanumeric value you type.
    regexp Displays data in the results only that contains the regular expression you define.
    not regexp Displays data in the results only that does not contain the regular expression you define.
    > Displays only data in the results that is higher than a threshold number.
    < Displays only data in the results that is less than a threshold number.
    between Displays data that is between (inclusive) the numeric values you type.