Testing a New Instance

One approach to test a new instance is:


  1. Find the API to test in the API Settings area of the TIBCO Mashery Admin Dashboard and identify an associated endpoint that is ready for testing.
  2. Create a test API key for the API identified in the previous step. You accomplish this in the Users area accessed by clicking the Users tab of the TIBCO Mashery Admin Dashboard.
  3. Perform a manual sync of the Services and Developers in the Cloud Sync page of the Mashery Local Cluster Manager, as described in step 7 of Configuring Slaves to the Master.
  4. Construct a test API call for the API you wish to test.
  5. Execute the API call against the instance. Unless you have set up a domain name for the instance, your API call will need to be made against the IP address of the instance directly. You can find the IP address as described in step 12 of Deploying the Mashery Local OVF Template.
    Note: Should you use a hostname or IP in your test call? When a service is setup in the dashboard, the hostnames (IP addresses as well could be used) that will consume the service are defined. When a call is made to the proxy, the hostname used for the call must match one of the hostnames setup in the dashboard for the service, otherwise the call will fail. If you make a call directly to one of the instances using its IP address and that IP address was not configured in the service definition, then the proxy returns a 596 error.

    If you receive the expected response from the API, then your instance is working properly.