Configuring Properties Common to All Deployments

The administrator can configure properties common to all deployments.

In Mashery Local Installer, property files are located at /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties.

For built and downloaded deployment packages, property files are at folder docker-deploy/properties after the deployment package is extracted.

Here is an example list of contents:

Keystores, Keys, and Certificates

File Definition Note
tml-cm-crt.pem Certificate used in tml-cm
tml-cm-key.pk8 Key used in tml-cm
tml-cm.jks Keystore used in tml-cm tml-cm.jks has tml-cm-crt.pem and tml-cm-key.pk8 stored inside.

Customer should prepare their own key, certificate and keystore to be used in tml-cm.

The built-in key, certificate and keystore should not be used for production.

Refer to the Preparing Keystore for Configuration Manager section in Deploying the Mashery Local Installer.

File Definition
tml-tm.jks Keystore used in tml-tm

Customer should prepare their own keystore to be used in tml-tm.

The built-in keystore should not be used for production.

Refer to the Preparing Keystore for Traffic Manager section in Deploying the Mashery Local Installer.

Property Hierarchy

File tml_cluster_properties.json specifies properties common to Mashery Local cluster. Here are the default contents:
    "mysql_root_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_masheryonprem_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_mashonpremrepl_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_mashclient_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_masherybackup_pwd": "changeme",
    "mom_server": "",
    "mom_key": "",
    "mom_secret": ""
The administrator can customize all MySQL passwords:
"mysql_root_pwd": "changeme",
"mysql_masheryonprem_pwd": "changeme",
"mysql_mashonpremrepl_pwd": "changeme",
"mysql_mashclient_pwd": "changeme",
"mysql_masherybackup_pwd": "changeme",
The administrator can customize MoM access from Mashery Local cluster in tethered mode:
"mom_server": "",
"mom_key": "",
"mom_secret": ""

Zone-Level Properties

File tml_zones_properties.json specifies properties per zone. Here are the default contents:
        "zone_serial": "0",
        "mom_server_proxy_host": "",
        "mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
        "mom_server_proxy_username": "",
        "mom_server_proxy_password": "",
        "target_server_proxy_host": "",
        "target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
        "no_proxy_pool": ""
        "zone_serial": "1",
        "mom_server_proxy_host": "",
        "mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
        "mom_server_proxy_username": "",
        "mom_server_proxy_password": "",
        "target_server_proxy_host": "",
        "target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
        "no_proxy_pool": ""
        "zone_serial": "2",
        "mom_server_proxy_host": "",
        "mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
        "mom_server_proxy_username": "",
        "mom_server_proxy_password": "",
        "target_server_proxy_host": "",
        "target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
        "no_proxy_pool": ""
The administrator can customize HTTP Proxy for MoM access per zone:
"mom_server_proxy_host": "",
"mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
"mom_server_proxy_username": "",
"mom_server_proxy_password": "",
The administrator can customize HTTP Proxy for accessing target servers per zone:
"target_server_proxy_host": "",
"target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
"no_proxy_pool": ""

Each zone is identified by zone_serial. The customer administrator can tailor the property JSON according the number of zones to which Mashery Local cluster will be deployed.

Zone properties for zone whose zone_serial is above the actual number of deployed zones will not be used.

For target servers covered in no_proxy_pool, Mashery Local directly calls them without going through HTTP proxy.

REGEX (Regular Expression) can be use in the property value.

Example #1:
Note: Note the backslash for escaping double quote.
In this example, if the target server is or, HTTP proxy server will be bypassed.
Example #2:
Note: Note the backslash for escaping double quote.
In this example, back.* is a regular expression, it matches and

Platform API Properties

The tml_papi_properties.json file specifies properties for platform API V3.

Here are the default properties:
  "sp_config_environment_domain_suffix": "",
  "areas_customer_area_name": "tml",
  "localdevadmin_handle": "admin",
  "localdevadmin_password": "Ap1Us3rPasswd",
  "masherytestautomation_handle": "mltestautomation",
  "area_uuids": [
      "area_uuid_name": "areas_customer_area_uuid",
      "area_uuid_value": "41a96952-ab9f-4abe-a2c8-e096c63324db"
      "area_uuid_name": "areas_mashery_internal_area_uuid",
      "area_uuid_value": "23b1c970-dcb5-4fe5-8e01-1a1fcf957cc4"
      "area_uuid_name": "areas_mashery_area_uuid",
      "area_uuid_value": "2014f1e7-1dd6-496b-b9bf-1c4b58bf7332"
      "area_uuid_name": "areas_solutions_area_uuid",
      "area_uuid_value": "02bcdfbc-47d0-4951-b3b1-60c5adc3762f"
  "package_keys": [
      "package_key_name": "your_api_key_for_v3_api",
      "package_key_value": "7wevdpn289e9v4k6g5ndqu6c"
      "package_key_name": "package_key_mapi_222ux5v3ydj6qqptk2y733xa_value",
      "package_key_value": "ajajruzw7hrpaguddnt3r2mq"
      "package_key_name": "package_key_mapi_4ayzfcn742zspfmu6jv48htv_value",
      "package_key_value": "87dgm9vxgwapynf68xk2cjcm"
      "package_key_name": "package_key_mapi_4ngdrf2tg62gvgsq7z9fd2f7_value",
      "package_key_value": "2z33rwdddxhndhz7csu566bk"
      "package_key_name": "package_key_mapi_gauhqskrkf4qzuv92esqht6a_value",
      "package_key_value": "d2779hcqjsw2fda445bsr36z"
      "package_key_name": "package_key_mapi_gtgkmxq8nnz9ajy86xtr9z4e_value",
      "package_key_value": "ddk3c6btngm39vgckqd3kq4t"
      "package_key_name": "package_key_mapi_qqky3473rqptpsrsvjdcm6ah_value",
      "package_key_value": "kyjyn5ystz3f3f7tnep6g79y"
  "package_secrets": [
      "package_secret_name": "your_secret_for_v3_api",
      "package_secret_value": "nbk27dsyrU"
      "package_secret_name": "package_key_mapi_222ux5v3ydj6qqptk2y733xa_secret",
      "package_secret_value": "3hw2BKbAfx"
      "package_secret_name": "package_key_mapi_4ayzfcn742zspfmu6jv48htv_secret",
      "package_secret_value": "kHnrJ6v4xw"
      "package_secret_name": "package_key_mapi_4ngdrf2tg62gvgsq7z9fd2f7_secret",
      "package_secret_value": "jqYwS5twav"
      "package_secret_name": "package_key_mapi_gauhqskrkf4qzuv92esqht6a_secret",
      "package_secret_value": "RkSEpu3N5w"
      "package_secret_name": "package_key_mapi_gtgkmxq8nnz9ajy86xtr9z4e_secret",
      "package_secret_value": "nXxaYcSCgz"
      "package_secret_name": "package_key_mapi_qqky3473rqptpsrsvjdcm6ah_secret",
      "package_secret_value": "Akj8Q645jN"
Note: Do not customize the following properties during initial deployment:
  • localdevadmin_handle
  • localdevadmin_password
  • masherytestautomation_handle

The localdevadmin_password can be changed after initial deployment. To change the default password, see Changing the Default Admin Password using the Developer Portal.

For customization, see Update Platform API Properties section in Deploying the Mashery Local Cluster.

Changing the Default Admin Password using the Developer Portal

The localdevadmin_password property should not be changed from the tml_papi_properties.json file. Even if the password is changed in this file to a different value, the change will not be effective in the running cluster.

To change the default password:
  1. Log in to the Developer Portal at https://<CM_EXTERNAL_IP>:8443/; in case of quick start, use https://localhost:10443/ using the default user name and password.
  2. Click on the User menu > Profile, Update profile > Change password.
  3. Change the password for the logged-in user.
  4. Save the changes.

Properties per Container Type

The following property files specify property per container type:
Name Default Value Comments
auto_binding ON When turned ON, sql, cache and logservice URLs will be auto-discovered and bound to the TIBCO Mashery Local component.
http_conn_manager_max_total 256 Caps the maximum supported backend client connections at any given time.
jetty_acceptqueuesize 10 (256 in code) Jetty Queue size.
jetty_maxidletime 18000 (30000 in code) Jetty Maximum Idle time.
jetty_pool_maxthreads 500 (500 in code) Maximum number of jetty threads to be running
logserviceURL log-set-0-0.log-svc-0.default.svc.cluster.local Logservice URL is used to communicate with logservice component which processes the Traffic Manager logs.
mail_protocol smtp TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail.
mail_smtp_host The SMTP server to connect to.
mail_smtp_password Password to connect to SMTP.
mail_smtp_port 25 The SMTP server port to connect to, if the connect() method doesn't explicitly specify one.
mail_smtp_user Default user name for SMTP.
mail_smtps_host The SMTPS server to connect to.
mail_smtps_password Password to connect to SMTPS.
mail_smtps_port 465 The SMTPS server port to connect to, if the connect() method doesn't explicitly specify one.
mail_smtps_user Default user name for SMTPS.
max_uri_len_for_accesslog 2048 Limits the maximum length of URI data being written to the access log.
java_security_negative_cache_lookups 0 Specified in to indicate the caching policy for unsuccessful name lookups from the name service. The value is specified as an integer to indicate the number of seconds to cache the failure for unsuccessful lookups.
java_security_cache_lookups 0 Specified in to indicate the caching policy for successful name lookups from the name service. The value is specified as an integer to indicate the number of seconds to cache the successful lookup.
nosqlURL cass-set-0.cass-svc.default.svc.cluster.local NoSQL URL is used to communicate with registry service.
oauth_http_enabled TRUE OAuth HTTP is enabled by default.
oauth_http_port 9083 HTTP port for OAuth.
oauth_https_enabled TRUE OAuth HTTPS is enabled by default.
oauth_https_port 8083 HTTPS port for OAuth.
sqlURL mysql-set-0.mysql-svc.default.svc.cluster.local SQL URL is used to communicate with the SQL component to get the data.
vmargs "-d64 \n-Xmx1024m" VM arguments that typically change the behavior of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The Xmx argument allows the Java heap to grow.
Name Default Value Comment
auto-binding ON When turned ON, logservice URLs will be auto-discovered and bound to the Mashery Local cluster component.
http_conn_manager_max_total 1000 Sets the maximum supported backend client connections at any given time.
jetty_acceptqueuesize 256 Jetty Queue size
jetty_pool_maxthreads 500 Maximum number of Jetty threads to be running
logserviceURL log-set-0-0.log-svc-0.default.svc.cluster.local Logservice URL to connect to for processing the logs.
max_endpoints_per_service_created 600 Maximum endpoints in a service that can be created.
max_services_created 600 Maximum services that can be created.
max_uri_len_for_accesslog 2048 This property is used to limit the maximum length of uri data being written to the access log.
Name Default Value Comment
api_Key The API key needed to connect to MOM HOST in TIBCO Cloud™ Mashery.
api_Secret The API password needed to connect to MOM HOST in TIBCO Cloud™ Mashery.
auto_binding ON When turned ON, logservice URLs will be auto-discovered and bound to the TIBCO Mashery Local component.
data_directory /var/lib/mysql The path to the MySQL data directory. Only the last component of the path name is created if it does not exist; the parent directory must already exist or an error occurs.
dimdataLogServiceURL log-set-0-0.log-svc-0.default.svc.cluster.local
expire_logs_days 30 Specifies the number of days before automatic removal of binary log files.
innodb_buffer_pool_size 128M The size in bytes of the buffer pool, the memory area where InnoDB caches table and index data.
key_buffer_size 16M The size of the buffer used for index blocks. The key buffer is also known as the key cache.
mysql_bin mysql-bin Specifies the base name to use for binary log files.
mysql_log_error /var/log/mysqld.log Option to determine whether the default error log destination is the console or a file, and, if a file, the file name.
mysql_log_error_verbosity 1 The verbosity for handling events intended for the error log, as filtered by the log_filter_internal error log filter component, which is enabled by default.
logserviceURL log-set-0.log-svc.default.svc.cluster.local Logservice URL to connect to process the logs.
max_allowed_packet 16777216 Maximum packet length to send to or receive from server.
max_binlog_size 1073741824 If a write to the binary log causes the current log file size to exceed the value of this variable, the server rotates the binary logs (closes the current file and opens the next one). The minimum value is 4096 bytes. The maximum and default value is 1GB.
mom_host MOM host to connect to sync data from TIBCO Cloud™ Mashery.
mom_connect_timeout 30000 Sets a specified timeout value, in milliseconds, to be used when opening a communications link to MOM referenced by a URLConnection.
mom_read_timeout 120000 Sets the read timeout to MOM URL to a specified timeout, in milliseconds. A non-zero value specifies the timeout when reading from Input stream when a connection is established to MOM. If the timeout expires before there is data available for read, a is raised.
plugin_load This option tells the server to load the named plugins at startup. If multiple --plugin-load options are given, only the last one is used.
query_cache_size 8M This system variable was removed in MySQL 8.0.3.
server_id 1234567890 Specifies the server ID. This variable is set by the --server-id option. The server_id system variable is set to 1 by default. The server can be started with this default ID, but when binary logging is enabled, an informational message is issued if you did not specify a server ID explicitly using the --server-id option.
service_sync_interval_minutes 15 Service sync interval to sync service configurations with MOM.
developer_sync_interval_minutes 15 Developer sync interval to sync developer configurations with MOM.
table_open_cache 1000 The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value increases the number of file descriptors that mysqld requires.
Name Default Value Comments
auto_binding ON When turned ON, SQL and logservice URLs are auto-discovered and bound to the TIBCO Mashery Local component.
content_cachesize 384 Cache size for memcached Content Pool
content_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Content Pool
content_options -o modern Options for memcached Content Pool
content_port 11213 Port for memcached Content Pool
content_user nobody User for memcached Content Pool
count_cachesize 256 Cache size for memcached Count Pool
count_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Count Pool
count_options -o modern Options for memcached Count Pool
count_port 11212 Port for memcached Count Pool
count_user nobody User for memcached Count Pool memcache
logserviceURL log-set-0.log-svc.default.svc.cluster.local Logservice URL to connect to process the logs.
mem_cachesize 384 Cache size for memcached Pool
mem_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Pool
mem_options -o modern Options for memcached Pool
mem_port 11211 Port for memcached Pool
mem_user nobody User for memcached Pool
packager_cachesize 128 Cache size for memcached Packager Pool
packager_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Packager Pool
packager_options -o modern Options for memcached Packager Pool
packager_port 11215 Port for memcached Packager Pool
packager_user nobody User for memcached Packager Pool
services_cachesize 128 Cache size for memcached Service Pool
services_maxconn 10240 Max connection for memcached Service Pool
services_options -o modern Options for memcached Service Pool
services_port 11214 Port for memcached Service Pool
services_user nobody User for memcached Service Pool
sqlURL mysql-set-0.mysql-svc.default.svc.cluster.local MYSQL URL to connect to load data from
updateddevclass 10 Sync developer classes updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedhttpsclientsecurity 30 Sync https client security information updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedmapi 10 Sync mapis updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedpackager 30 Sync packagers updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
updatedservice 10 Sync services updated in the last X minutes. X is the value of this property.
Name Default Value Comments
api_key Only needed for "Tethered" setup.
api_secret Only needed for "Tethered" setup.
td_agent_output_channelType DEFAULT (always enabled) Set this property if you need to send access logs to other destinations. Accepted values are DEFAULT, ELASTICSEARCH, KAFKA, HTTP and TCP. Changing to anything other than DEFAULT requires additional properties:
Property Name / Default Value
  • td_agent_out_elasticsearch_host / NULL
  • td_agent_out_elasticsearch_port / NULL
  • td_agent_out_elasticsearch_index / $ {TAG}
  • td_agent_out_http_URI / NULL
  • td_agent_out_kafka_brokers / NULL
  • td_agent_out_kafka_topic / ${TAG}
  • td_agent_out_tcp_host / NULL
  • td_agent_out_tcp_port / NULL
mom_host Only needed for "Tethered" setup.
Name Default Value Comment
auto_binding ON When turned ON, logservice URLs are auto-discovered and bound to the TIBCO Mashery Local component.
logserviceURL log-set-0.log-svc.default.svc.cluster.local Logservice URL to connect to process the logs.