Golden Record Cache

Golden record cache maintains the golden copies of records. A retailer can directly query on cache spaces to get a single valid copy of the required record.

Attention: Golden record cache is internally known as fast cache. Therefore, some of the instances of golden record cache are referred as fast cache. For example, the error messages or configuration file name (FastCache_CacheConfig.xml).

Golden record cache uses ActiveSpaces or Apache Ignite to store the golden copy record data and is separately maintained from the TIBCO MDM internal cache.

By using golden record cache, you can perform the following activities:
  • Cache golden records
  • Use REST API to embed external attribute
  • Query on cache, for example, select customer ID from MCT_customer where
  • Run in external processes (decouple search from updates)
  • Configure indexes

If TIBCO MDM is accessed by highly concurrent number, the performance is decreased. The primary reason is the use of a single relational database management system (RDBMS). To resolve the issue, if the data is processed from the cached data, the system scales much better to allow the real time access.

Consider a scenario, where retail customers purchasing at the retailer franchise and asking information at the checkout point to access their account, such as last name, email address, or a phone number. The search returns a list of matched items along with other additional information. For example, the retrieval from an email address is Joe , Namath, 3/4/1991, xxx-xxx-xxxx, CUST-455324, where the last number is the customer ID (MDM record ID). The ID can be used to access purchase history (outside MDM) and other information.

Another use case is where a retailer wants to store some additional information, such as, loyalty points, customer type, and payback points about the customer (which is not present in TIBCO MDM). Apart from storing the information, if a retailer frequently queries on any of the regular or user defined attribute, you can create a cache index on the regular or user-defined attributes to quickly access data.