Cache Index using FastCache_CacheConfig.xml

Use the FastCache_CacheConfig.xml file to create cache spaces in ActiveSpaces. The file is available in the $MQ_HOME/config folder.

All mandatory and optional objects are defined in this file. The file is similar to the CacheConfig.xml file. For information on the cache attributes listed in the CacheConfig.xml file, refer to the "Cache Configuration section" in the TIBCO MDM Installation and Configuration Guide. Additionally, you can also specify index attributes in the FastCache_CacheConfig.xml file to create cache indexes while defining the space. The following table describes the golden record cache object type listed in the FastCache_CacheConfig.xml file:
Golden Record Cache Object Type Description
FASTCACHELOCK Mandatory object, used for locking and unlocking entries in space
PRELOADSTATUS Mandatory object, keeps status of preload of each object and repositories
GOLDENCOPY Refers to the standard default configuration of all repository cache. If any of the cache repository object type is not configured in the configuration file, the default configuration from GOLDENCOPY object type is used.
  • For each repository space, the objectType name is GOLDENCOPY_{CATALOGID} and the corresponding space name in ActiveSpaces is GOLDENCOPY_{CATALOG_TABLENAME}.
  • You can specify the configuration for a particular object type as follows:
    			<Description>Configuration for Person space</Description>
  • You can create indexes on server startup for a particular object type and the column name as follows:
    			<Description>Configuration for Address</Description>