Copying Records in Cross-Repository Relationship

You can copy a record in two ways that has associated relationships. Either choose to copy the record without copying its relationships (Clone None), or choose to copy the record with its hierarchy of relationships (Clone All).


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. Select the name of the repository from the Repository Name drop-down list of which you want to copy records.
  3. Click the View All button. A list of records is displayed.
  4. Select the record that you want to copy.
  5. Click . The Copy Record screen is displayed. Relationship details are displayed below the main record.
  6. Change the attribute values that distinguishes the record in a unique manner. For example, Record ID. A combination of the Record ID and Record EXT are used to uniquely identify a record.
  7. Under the Relationships section, you can copy by selecting:
    1. None: Select this option if you want to copy only the current record and not its relationships.
    2. Clone all levels: (Homogenous relationships only.) Select this option if you want to copy a record with the associated hierarchy of relationships. If you have selected this option, change the Record ID or Record EXT of the related record to avoid duplicates.
      Note: When you select Clone all levels, all records in a hierarchy are copied only if they are in a homogenous relationship. For more information on the types of relationships, refer to the section Modifying Records in Cross-Repository Relationship.
  8. Click the Save and Process button.
    Note: Ensure uniqueness when you copy records. The values in either the Record ID or Record EXT of the duplicate record should differ from the original record.
    Note: Assume that there are two users A and B using the repository (MC) A and MC B, associated to each other using a cross-repository relationship. User A has all permissions granted for MC A. But users do not have the permission to copy in MC B. But when records are created in MC A, they can be cloned in MC B through the cross-repository relationship, even though MC B does not have "copy" permission on it.