Modifying Records in Cross-Repository Relationship

You can also modify relationships spanning across repositories. The first repository in which you choose to modify records becomes the source repository. The repository with which the source repository establishes a relationship becomes the target repository.

You cannot modify a record when it is participating in a workflow. However, the Administrator can override this constraint and edit the record.


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. Select the name of the source repository of which you want to modify records from the Repository Name drop-down list.
  3. Click View All.
    A list of records is displayed.
  4. Click a record ID in the Record ID column.
    The View Record page is displayed.
  5. Click .
    The Modify Record page is displayed.

  6. Modify record details. For information on modifying records, refer to Modifying Records. To modify related record for each relationship, expand recordID-recordIDExtension node.
  7. Click the Reason for Change link at the right side to specify the reason for a record modification. The Enter Reason For Change text box is displayed.
  8. Enter the reason and click Done.
  9. Click the Validate button to validate the modified record. If there are any validation errors, the page displays the error against the attribute that caused the error. Resolve the error and click Validate again.
  10. You can save a record in the following ways:
    1. If you have permissions, click Save to save the record directly to the database. An alert appears asking for a confirmation. Click Ok. When you save, each record is added and validated against its respective rulebase. Errors, if any, will be flagged on the Validate page. Resolve the errors and save the record. When you save a record, the state of the record changes to confirmed. Whenever the record state is changed to confirmed, the record is saved in the Golden Copy table.
    2. If you do not have permissions, click the Save and Process button. Each record added is validated against its respective rulebase. Errors, if any will be flagged on the Validate page. Once there are no errors, click Save and Process to initiate the workflow.
    3. If you click the Cancel button. the record and its associated relationships are not be added.
      Note: When relationships are being modified, bundling comes into effect. As a result, Save and Process can only be performed on the record which you originally started modifying.