Add Transfer

Click Transfers > Add Transfer to add transfer definitions on the Add Transfer page.

When a transfer user signs on to TIBCO MFT Internet Server using various clients, the transfers that will be displayed will depend on what was defined on the Add Transfer page. For more information about how to configure the fields on this page, see the online help page.

Administrative users must have AdministratorRight or UpdateTransferDefinitionRight to add a transfer definition.

The Add Transfer page contains the following sections:

Required Transfer Information

This section defines the parameters that are required to create a transfer record.

Server Properties

This section defines parameters specific to the server selected in the Required Transfer Information section.

Additional Transfer Properties

This section contains 5 subsections: Transfer description, Data Properties, Accessibility, Checkpoint Properties, File Transfer Rules and Diagnostics.

Note: The Checkpoint Restart area is not supported when using PGP encryption or transfer to/from an AS2 server, and No should be selected.
Note: The Write Mode is used for upload transfer definitions only; it is ignored for download transfer definitions. For uploads, it is ignored when the server associated with the transfer definition has a server type of HTTP.

Email Notification

This section allows TIBCO MFT Internet Server to send email notification to one or more users.

Post Processing Actions

This section allows you to perform up to four actions to be completed by the server when a file transfer request has completed.

JMS Properties

This section define parameters used when the transfer definition points to a server defined with the server type of JMS. These parameters are only used when reading from or writing to a JMS queue and are ignored for other server types.

z/OS Properties

This section is used only when creating a file on a z/OS operating system through an Upload operation. You can use these parameters to define information about the file to be created.

Unix Properties

This section is used only when creating a file on a UNIX operating system through an Upload operation.

HTTP Properties

This section is used only when performing a Form upload to a target HTTP server.

PGP Information

This section defines the PGP information that can be associated with a transfer.

Client Permissions

This section defines the permissions that are allowed when conducting this transfer using an HTTP, FTP, SSH, Platform Server or desktop client.

Note: The Allow Client Transfer Mode area can be used for FTP file transfers to other FTP server or the MFT FTP server (*LOCAL).

When specifying the Allow Delete or Allow Rename area, the server platform must be defined to the correct operating system in the server definition for proper functionality.