Promoting Records (GUI mode)

After two servers have been defined, you can promote records from a source to a target server. In this mode, you can filter and promote 100 records at a time. You can use this mode on Windows or UNIX with a GUI interface.


You must start the MFT Promotion Utility and define the source and the target servers. See Installing and Configuring the Promotion Utility (GUI Mode).


  1. In the MFT Promotion Utility main screen, select the source server, the target server, and the component you want to promote.

  2. Click Continue.
    The Promote Servers screen is displayed.
  3. Enter the selection criteria to filter records.
    Note: You can use the % wildcard character to filter requests. For example, as shown below, you can filter for SSH Servers that start with the letter "z".

  4. Click Search.
    A list of all the servers that match the selection criteria is displayed.

  5. Click to select the records you want to promote.
    You can select continuous rows using the Shift key and non-continuous rows using the Ctrl key. You can select 1-100 records to promote at a time.
  6. Click Promote to promote the records.
    The status of the promotion is shown in the box below.