
The UpdateServer command action is used to update an existing TIBCO MFT Internet Server node definition.

The node definition contains information about the remote TIBCO MFT Platform Server system. You must define node definitions when you are connecting to remote TIBCO MFT Platform Server. If you are storing files locally, you do not have to define node definitions. To use the UpdateServer command the user must have UpdateServerRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command action.

Note: UpdateServer and AddServer commands have common parameters. For UpdateServer command parameters, see AddServer.

Sample UpdateServer Command

The command below updates server NYNode1. The ServerName is required for UpdateServer. This command updates the DefaultEncryptType, CompressType and DisableFlag fields.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:UpdateServer ServerName:NYNode1 DefaultEncryptType:R CompressType:Y DisableFlag:N