Node Definition Parameters

Each remote system is defined in a separate member of a partitioned data set, which is called the platform server definition library.

These members have each parameter in a separate record. An asterisk (*) in column 1 denotes a comment.
Parameter Description
ACCEPT _VERIFIED_USER Defines whether verified users on other z/OS platforms can be used on this system without a password.

The valid values are YES or NO. The default value is to let the GLOBAL ACCEPT_VERIFIED_USER parameter determine if verified users are allowed.

If a user submits a file transfer request on a z/OS system, by default the local user ID is sent to the remote system. When an incoming request is received, the platform server searches through the enabled nodes to find a match on a node.

The following logic is performed:

If this is a TCP request, issues a socket call to get the IP name associated with the IP address. Scans through the node definition looking for a match on the IP address, IP name or LU name.

  • If a match is found, then the node associated with the incoming request is found.
  • If no match is found, scans through the node definition looking for a match on the backup IP address, backup IP name or backup LU name.
    • If there is a match, then the node associated with the incoming request has been found.
    • If there is no match on these fields, then a node is not associated with the incoming request. If the GLOBAL configuration is set to require a node on incoming requests, the request fails.
ALLOW_TRANSFER_REQUESTS Defines whether transfer schedule requests initiated through TCP or SNA are accepted when the GLOBAL ALLOW_TRANSFER_REQUESTS parameter is set to NODE.
This parameter applies to the these platform server interfaces: batch, script, API, REXX and ISPF.
Note: This parameter applies only to transfers scheduled through SNA or TCP. It does not apply to transfers managed by Command Center.
The valid values are:
  • YES: TCP and SNA transfer requests are accepted. This is the default value.
  • NO: TCP and SNA transfer requests are not accepted. Only requests initiated on the same server and scheduled through cross memory are accepted.
  • LOGON: requests are only accepted when local credentials are included with the transfer schedule request.
ALLOW_MANAGE_REQUESTS Defines whether transfer management requests initiated through TCP or SNA are accepted.
This parameter applies to these platform server interfaces: batch, script, API, REXX and ISPF. Management requests are typically ISPF or REXX transfer inquiry.
Note: This parameter applies only to transfers managed through SNA or TCP. It does not apply to transfers managed by Command Center.
The valid values are:
  • YES: TCP and SNA management requests are accepted. This is the default value.
  • NO: TCP and SNA management requests are not accepted. Only requests initiated on the same server and scheduled through cross memory are accepted.
AUTOENABLE Defines whether the member is enabled at the platform server startup when the GLOBAL AUTOENABLE parameter is set to YES.

This parameter is ignored when the GLOBAL AUTOENABLE parameter is set to NO.

The valid values are:
  • YES: the member is enabled at startup. This is the default value.
  • NO: the member is not enabled at startup.
BACKUPLUNAME Defines the SNA LUNAME that is used as a backup in case the transfer request to the primary node definition or previously defined backup definitions fails with a network error.

Up to 5 backup LU name, backup IP address or backup IP name definitions can be defined for a single node definition. You can switch between SNA and IP backup definitions.

For an example of BACKUPLUNAME, see the SNANODE and TCPNODE members in the SAMPLIB data set.

Note: This parameter is only used for initiator requests.

Defines the SNA mode name used as a backup in case the transfer request to the primary node definition or previously defined backup definitions fails with a network error.

This parameter overrides the SNA mode name for the previous BACKUPLUNAME definition. This mode name becomes the default mode name for all future BACKUPLUNAME definitions within this node definition.

For an example of BACKUPMODENAME, see the SNANODE and TCPNODE members in the SAMPLIB data set.

BACKUPIPADDR Defines the IP address that is used as a backup in case the transfer request to the primary node definition or previously defined backup definitions fails with a network error.

Up to 5 backup LU name, backup IP address or backup IP name definitions can be defined for a single node definition. You can switch between SNA and IP backup definitions.

For an example of BACKUPIPADDR, see the SNANODE and TCPNODE members in the SAMPLIB data set.

Note: This parameter is only used for initiator requests.
BACKUPIPNAME Defines the IP name that is used as a backup in case the transfer request to the primary node definition or previously defined backup definitions fails with a network error.

Up to 5 backup LU name, backup IP address or backup IP name definitions can be made for a single node definition. You can switch between SNA and IP backup definitions.

For an example of BACKUPIPNAME, see the SNANODE and TCPNODE members in the SAMPLIB data set.
Note: This parameter is only used for initiator requests.

Defines the IP port that is used as a backup in case the transfer request to the primary node definition or previously defined backup definitions fails with a network error.

This parameter overrides the IP port number for the previous BACKUPIPNAME or BACKUPIPADDR definition. This IP port becomes the default IP port for all future BACKUPIPADDR and BACKUPIPNAME definitions within this node definition.

For an example of BACKUPIPPORT, see the SNANODE and TCPNODE members in the SAMPLIB data set.

BPS_INIT Defines the total number of TCP bytes that can be transferred per second for a node in initiator requests.
Note: This parameter applies to both send and receive transfers.
The parameter must be specified in kilobytes or megabytes. Therefore, the letter K or M must be the last character in this argument. The valid values can be up to 999999999.

For example, to specify the value of 2 million bytes, you can specify 2M or 2000K.

BPS_RECV Defines the total number of TCP bytes that can be received per second from a node.

This parameter must be specified in kilobytes or megabytes. Therefore, the letter K or M must be the last character in this argument. The valid values can be up to 999999999.

For example, to specify the value of 2 million, you can specify 2M or 2000K.

BPS_RESP Defines the total number of TCP bytes that can transferred per second for a node in responder requests.
Note: This parameter applies to both send and receive transfers.
This parameter must be specified in kilobytes or megabytes. Therefore, the letter K or M must be the last character in this argument. The valid values can be up to 999999999.

For example, to specify the value of 2 million bytes, you can specify 2M or 2000K.

BPS_SEND Defines the total number of TCP bytes that can be sent per second to a node.

The parameter must be specified in kilobytes or megabytes. Therefore, the letter K or M must be the last character in this argument. The valid values can be up to 999999999.

For example, to specify the value of 2 million, you can specify 2M or 2000K.

BPS_TOTAL Defines the total number of TCP bytes that can be transferred per second for a node for both send and receive requests.

The parameter must be specified in kilobytes or megabytes. Therefore, the letter K or M must be the last character in this argument. The valid values can be up to 999999999.

For example, to specify the value of 2 million, you can specify 2M or 2000K.

COMMAND_CENTER_SUPPORT Defines the support level of the Command Center functions on this node.
The Command Center user must still be validated before they can use the Command Center functions.
Note: Multiple values can be specified on this parameter.
The valid values are:
  • ALL: NODE, PROFILE, AUDIT, PING and TRANSFER functions are supported on this node.
  • NONE: no Command Center function is supported on this node. This is the default value.
  • NODE: node list and update functions are supported on this node.
  • PROFILE: profile list and update functions are supported on this node.
  • AUDIT: requests that inquire on the platform server audit file are supported on this node.
  • ALTER: requests that alter transfers in the platform server inactive queue are supported on this node.
  • PING: the platform server PING requests is supported on this node.
  • TRANSFER: the Command Center transfer function that initiates file transfers is supported on this node.
CONTENTION_LOSERS Defines the limit number of simultaneous responder transfers from a partner in TCP communications.

In SNA communication, this parameter limits the number of incoming sessions that can be created by the remote system.

For TCP Communication, this parameter defines the maximum number of Responder requests that will be accepted from the source system. If the number of concurrent requests exceeds this number, the request will be rejected. The source system will treat this as a retry-able error and will attempt a retry if the number of tries has not been reached.

The valid values are from 0 to 256. The default value 0 means unlimited.

CONTENTION_WINNERS Defines the limit number of simultaneous transfers to a partner in both SNA and TCP communications.

Likewise, this parameter can limit the number of simultaneous scripts that can be executed. Separate counters are maintained for transfers and scripts. Therefore, you can have a number of scripts and transfers executing at the same time for a defined node.

The valid values are from 0 to 256. The default value is 5.

CRCCHECK Defines whether CRC checking is turned on by default. CRC checking is performed against the data that is sent over the network to ensure that the data is not corrupted. The CRC is not performed against the file itself. ASCII to EBCDIC conversion, translation, and LF/CRLF change the contents of the file between the sender and receiver so the CRC is not performed against the file contents. Valid values are:
  • YES: perform CRC checking by default
  • NO: Do not perform CRC checking by default. The default value is NO.
The CRCCHECK parameter on the Node and batch parameters overrides the Global CRCCHECK settings.
Note: If the partner platform server does not support CRC checking, CRC is still computed but is not checked against the partner's CRC value computed.
DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT Defines the checkpoint interval in minutes for transfers.

By specifying this parameter, all requests can take a checkpoint restart. The valid values are NO or a number from 1 to 999. The default value NO means not to take checkpoints. Transfers that do not use checkpoint restart start from the beginning of the file.

Note: Using checkpoint restart when writing to variable length blocked records might result in a D37 abend if insufficient secondary extent is defined. Ensure sufficient secondary extent is allocated or checkpoint restart is turned off for variable length blocked records.
DEFAULT_COMPRESS Defines the default compression for SAPI requests.
The valid values are:
  • YES: uses RLE compression for SAPI requests.
  • NO: does not use compression for SAPI requests. This is the default value.
  • RLE: uses RLE compression for SAPI requests.
  • LZ: uses LZ compression for SAPI requests.
  • ZLIB1 to ZLIB9: uses ZLIB Compression for SAPI requests.
  • NEVER: never uses compression.
DEFAULT_COSNAME Defines the default COS name that is used when communicating with this node.

This parameter can be overridden by entering the COSNAME parameter on the platform server batch interface. This name must match a COS entry that is enabled at startup or by the ENABLE operator command. The default value for this parameter is the COS entry called COSDFLT.

DEFAULT_CRLF Defines the default CRLF option.

This parameter is only used for initiator requests when you do not enter the CRLF parameter.

The valid values are:
  • YES | CRLF: the records are delimited by Carriage Return/Line Feed (typically PC based systems).
  • LF: the records are delimited by Line Feeds (typically UNIX based systems).
  • NO: no record delimiters are used in the file. This is the default value.
  • USS: to send a z/OS DSN to a z/OS USS file and terminate the USS file records with an ASCII LF (0x0A).
DEFAULT_ENCRYPT Defines the level of encryption that is used by this node.

If specified, this parameter overrides the ENCRYPT parameter specified in the GLOBAL member.

The valid values are:
  • NONE: no encryption.
  • AES: AES 256 bit encryption.
  • AES128: AES 128 bit encryption.
  • DES: DES encryption.
  • 3DES: Triple DES encryption.
  • BF | BLOWFISH: Blowfish 56 bit encryption.
  • BFL | BLOWFISH_LONG: Blowfish 448 bit encryption.
  • RJ | RIJNDAEL: Rijndael 256 bit encryption.
  • NEVER: no encryption. Even if you override the ENCRYPT option in the batch interface, encryption is turned off for this node.

If the PASSONLY operand is used, then only the password is encrypted using the encryption algorithm specified. The data is not be encrypted.

Note: PASSONLY is only valid on z/OS nodes.
For more information, see the Authentication, Encryption, Compression and Email section of TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/OS User's Guide.
Note: This parameter is ignored for TLS Tunnel requests because the TLS Tunnel encrypts all data.
DEFAULT_LOCALCTFILE Defines the default local translation table entry used for communications with this node.

Translation tables are defined in the CONFIG DD. They can be enabled at startup or through the ENABLE operator command.

The valid values are:
  • local_ translation_table_name : the translation table name must be from 1 to 16 characters.
  • NONE|NULL: no conversion takes place. This is the default value.
This parameter is used when TYPE=TEXT is defined, and ignored when TYPE=BINARY is specified.

The LOCALCTFILE parameter on the file transfer request overrides the DEFAULT_LOCALCTFILE parameter.

To use z/OS Unicode Conversion Services, the following format of this parameter is required.



xxxxx defines the CCSID of the Local data - usually the EBCDIC CCSID.

yyyyy defines the CCSID of the Remote data - usually the ASCII CCSID

See the IBM manual z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference for information on the CCSID values to use.

Example: LOCALCTFILE=CC:01140:01208

  • For a Send Request, this parameter converts data from EBCDIC CCSID 1140 to ASCII UTF-8 CCSID 01208.
  • For a Receive Request, this parameter converts data from ASCII UTF-8 CCSID 01208 to EBCDIC CCSID 1140.

When using this parameter, set the following parameter so that the partner does NOT perform any conversion:


DEFAULT_LOGON_DOMAIN Defines a 16-byte Windows domain name.

This parameter is required when communicating with a Windows system, and defines the domain where the user ID validated by Windows is located. It has no default value.

DEFAULT_NODECLASS Defines the default node class for this node definition.

The valid values are from 0 to 255. The default value 0 means that node class processing is not turned on for this node. By setting this parameter to a non-zero value, node class processing is turned on for this node.

If the transfer request has a node class of 0, the DEFAULT_NODECLASS value replaces the NODECLASS defined for the request. DEFAULT_NODECLASS can never be set to a value higher than the WINNERS parameter.

When the platform server NODECLASS facility is turned on, the platform server assigns a NODECLASS value to every possible connection. Each of the node classes represents one session.

If you define 6 winners, then the platform server creates 6 node classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A transfer can run at the assigned node class or a node class with a higher number. For example, a transfer defined with NODECLASS=3 can run in class 3, 4, 5 or 6.

DEFAULT_REMOTECTFILE Defines the default remote translation table entry used for communications with this node.

Remote translation tables must be defined on the remote platform server node. The valid values are NONE or a translation table name of 1 to 16 characters. The default value NONE indicates that no conversion takes place.

This parameter is used when TYPE=TEXT is defined, and ignored when TYPE=BINARY is specified. The

The REMOTECTFILE parameter on the file transfer request overrides the DEFAULT_REMOTECTFILE parameter.

To use z/OS Unicode Conversion Services, the following format of this parameter is required.



xxxxx defines the CCSID of the Local data - that is, z/OS data read or written to disk.

yyyyy defines the CCSID of the Remote data - that is, data sent to or received from a partner

See the IBM manual z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference for information on the CCSID values to use.

  • For a Send Request (that is, Read), xxxxx is the Source CCSID and yyyyy is the target CCSID.
  • For a Receive Request, (that is, Write), yyyyy is the Source CCSID and xxxxx is the target CCSID.

When using this parameter, set the following parameter so that the local system does NOT perform any conversion:


DEFAULT_PASSWORD Defines a password from 1 to 20 bytes that is used as the remote password for SAPI requests.

If this parameter is not defined, then a user profile must be defined for this node and the user associated with the started task. This parameter is typically used together with the DEFAULT_USERID parameter. It has no default value.

DEFAULT_TYPE Defines the default file transfer type.

This parameter is only used for initiator requests when the file transfer type is not entered.

The valid values are:
  • TEXT: ASCII/EBCDIC conversion takes place.
  • BINARY: no conversion takes place.
  • DATA: the file to be created must be a data file, as opposed to a source file. This option must be used only to communicate with AS/400 systems.
DEFAULT_USERID Defines a user ID from 1 to 20 bytes that is used as the remote user ID for SAPI requests.

If this parameter is not defined, then a user profile must be defined for this node and the user associated with the started task. This parameter is typically used together with the DEFAULT_PASSWORD parameter. It has no default value.

DESCRIPTION Defines a 32 byte description for a node definition.

This parameter is meant for documentation purposes only, and does not change how file transfers run. This description is displayed on the ISPF node detailed display menu.

DISCONNECT Defines whether the host disconnects the session with the remote side if there are no more activities for this remote system.

The valid values are YES or NO. The default value is NO.

This parameter is used in conjunction with the WAIT_FOR_SESSION parameter, so the users on mainframe can queue up transactions for remote systems that are not connected and have the platform server wait for that system to connect before dispatching the transfers.
Note: This parameter can not be used for TCP node definitions.
EMAIL_FAIL Defines a single email address or multiple email addresses to send a notification message if a file transfer request with this node is unsuccessful.

You have to separate multiple email addresses by a semicolon (;). The maximum field length is 64 characters including any semicolons.

As an alternative, an email distribution list defined in the organization's email system might be used to specify multiple email addresses to receive this notification. This parameter has no default value, which means that no email notification takes place when a request fails.

EMAIL_GOOD Defines a single email address or multiple email addresses to send a notification message if a file transfer request with this node is successful.

You have to separate multiple email addresses by a semicolon (;). The maximum field length is 64 characters including any semicolons.

As an alternative, an email distribution list defined in the organization's email system might be used to specify multiple email addresses to receive this notification. This parameter has no default value, which means that no email notification takes place when a request succeeds.

EMAIL_NOTIFY Defines when the platform server sends email notifications for transfers with this node.
The valid values are:
  • NONE: no email notification is sent. This is the default value.
  • INITIATOR: an email notification is sent for initiator requests.
  • RESPONDER: an email notification is sent for responder requests.
  • BOTH: an email notification is sent for initiator and responder requests.
Note: The node EMAIL_GOOD and EMAIL_FAIL parameters are also required before notifications take place.
ENFORCE_SECURITY_POLICY Defines which platform server security policy is enforced.
The valid values are:
  • FIPS140: FIPS 140 security policy.
  • HIPAA: HIAA standards. The standards require all file transfers to use encryption key length that is 128 bits or greater. This checking takes place for both initiator and responder requests.
  • NO: no security policy. This is the default value.
INITHOLD Defines whether initiator requests for this node definition are held when the node is enabled.
The valid values are:
  • YES: initiator requests for this node are not executed. This parameter can be reset through the ISPF NODE panel, the FUSNODE INITREL REXX exec or the INITREL operator command.
  • NO: initiator requests for this node are executed. Nodes can be placed in an INITHOLD state through the ISPF NODE panel, the FUSNODE INITHOLD REXX exec or the INITHOLD operator command. This is the default value.
INITIATOR_ERROR_HOLD Defines the number of consecutive remote errors that cause the node to be placed in an INITHOLD state.
Note: This parameter applies only to initiator requests.
The valid values are from 0 to 9999.

Each time an initiator request fails with a remote nonrecoverable error, the count is increased by one. When the count exceeds the value defined for this parameter, the node is placed in an INITHOLD state.

Each time a successful initiator request is performed with this node, the counter is reset. The default value of 0 indicates that the node is not placed into an INITHOLD state due to remote errors.

IPADDR Defines the IP address of the remote destination. You can enter either an IPV4 IP Address or an IPV6 IP Address.

This parameter is mutually exclusive with IPNAME. In TCP/IP transfers, either IPNAME or IPADDR must be defined. In VTAM transfers, LU_NAME must be defined.

IPNAME Defines the IP name of the remote destination.

This name can contain up to 64 characters. For example, JohnD.XYZ.COM.

This parameter is mutually exclusive with IPADDR. In TCP/IP transfers, either IPNAME or IPADDR must be defined. In VTAM transfers, LU_NAME must be defined.

Note: For IBM TCP version 3.1 and version 3.2, if you want to use the DNS lookup feature (IPNAME=), you must concatenate the IBM C Runtime libraries in the STEPLIB if these libraries are not defined to the z/OS link list. Also, the SYSTCPD dd name must be in the platform server JCL and must point to the TCP/IP data configuration file.
IPPORT Defines the IP port of the remote destination.

The valid values are from 0 to 65535. The default value is 46464. A value of 0 indicates that the platform server for z/OS must use the value defined in the GLOBAL TCPIPPORT parameter.

LU_NAME Defines the SNA server LU name that the platform server uses to communicate.

The logical unit handles and enforces the protocols required for user-to-user communications. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the IPNAME and IPADDR parameters.

MODENAME Defines a 1 to 8 character value that corresponds to a VTAM MODEENT.

You must define a VTAM mode entry. For an example, see the platform server sample library.

MQ_FAIL Defines the message queue where the platform server sends a notification message when a file transfer request is completed unsuccessfully.

The valid values are $MQ:MQ_Message_Queue _Name:Message_Queue_Name. $MQ is a literal and must be the first three characters. The message queue name must be from 1 to 55 characters.

This parameter has no default value, which means that no MQ notification takes place when a request fails.

MQ_GOOD Defines the message queue where the platform server sends a notification message when a file transfer request is completed successfully.

The valid values are $MQ:MQ_Message_Queue _Name:Message_Queue_Name. $MQ is a literal and must be the first three characters. The message queue name must be from 1 to 55 characters.

This parameter has no default value, which means that no MQ notification takes place when a request is successful.

MQ_NOTIFY Defines when the platform server sends MQ notifications.
The valid values are:
  • NONE: no MQ notification is sent. This is the default value.
  • INITIATOR: MQ notification is sent for initiator tasks.
  • RESPONDER: MQ notification is sent for responder tasks.
  • BOTH: MQ notification is sent for both initiator and responder tasks.
Note: The GLOBAL MQ_GOOD and MQ_FAIL parameters are also required before notifications take place.
NODENAME Defines the node name associated with this node definition.

The valid values can be from 1 to 32 characters and cannot have any embedded spaces.

If this parameter is defined, then transfers must use this node name in transfers defined to use the NODE parameter.

If this parameter is not defined, the 1 to 8 character member name is used as the node name.

PARALLEL Defines whether multiple concurrent sessions can run between a pair of LU6.2 logical units (LUs), which means multiple operations can be performed simultaneously.

The valid values are NO or YES.

  • If this LU is used with an independent local LU, and parallel sessions are used, you can keep the default value YES.
  • If this LU is used with a dependent local APPC LU, you can specify NO.

This parameter can also be specified along with CONTENTION_WINNERS for TCP nodes to limit the amount of requests that can be initiated by a TCP node.

PLATFORM Defines the platform under which the node is executing.

This parameter is for information purposes only. It has no default value. The valid values are WINDOWS, AIX, HPUX, SUN, ZOS, AS400, LINUX, or MFT Platform ServerCC.

RESPHOLD Defines whether responder requests for this node definition are held when the node is enabled.
The valid values are:
  • YES: responder requests for this node are rejected with a recoverable error. The RESPHOLD can be reset through the ISPF NODE panel, the FUSNODE RESPREL REXX exec or the RESPREL operator command.
  • NO: responder requests for this node are accepted. Nodes can be placed in RESPHOLD state through the ISPF NODE panel, the FUSNODE RESPHOLD REXX exec or the RESPHOLD operator command. This is the default value.
RESPONDER_PROFILE Defines whether this node requires responder profiles or not when a request comes in.
The valid values are:
  • YES: requires responder profiles.
  • NO: does not require responder profiles. This is the default value.
  • DUAL: the responder profiles are checked. If no matches are found within the responder profile, the request can continue to be processed, and the user ID and password are checked against the RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret security system.
The default value for this parameter is to let the GLOBAL RESPONDER_PROFILE parameter determine if responder profiles are used. For more information, see User Profiles.
SAPI_CLASS Defines one of the SAPI selection criteria.

The valid values can be up to 8 JES SYSOUT classes.

If this parameter is not defined, SYSOUT class is not included as a selection filter on SAPI requests. If this parameter is defined, only jobs written to one of the specified SYSOUT classes are selected by the platform server.

It is very important that CLASS be the only selection criteria defined, because all output for that class are selected for transmission to a remote node. This parameter can be combined with the other SAPI selection filters to limit the output that is selected.

SAPI_DEST Defines the 8 byte JES destination that is used as a filter for SAPI requests.

If this parameter is not defined, destination is not used as a filter for SAPI requests. If this parameter is defined, only jobs written to the specified JES destination are selected by the platform server.

This parameter can be combined with the other SAPI selection filters to limit the output that is selected.

SAPI_DISP Defines the disposition of SYSOUT requests that are completed by the platform server.
Three subparameters are supported. The three subparameters are used to define the actions that can be taken when a transfer request is completed and is about to be removed from the request queue. The three subparameters define respectively the following scenarios:
  • Successful file transfers
  • Permanent network errors
  • Transfer errors
For each subparameter, you can specify the following values:
  • HOLD: the output is kept and put on the JES HOLD queue.
  • KEEP: the output is kept and can be selected by the platform server later.
  • DELETE: the output is deleted from the JES queue.
The default value for this parameter is DELETE,KEEP, HOLD, indicating that SYSOUT data is deleted after a successful transfer, is kept if a transfer ends due to a permanent network error, and is put on hold when a permanent error occurs.
Note: If a transfer ends with a temporary network error and retries can be made, the SYSOUT data is always kept.
SAPI_FORM Defines the 4-byte JES form name that is used as a filter for SAPI requests.

If this field is not defined, form is not used as a filter for SAPI requests. If SAPI_FORM is defined, only jobs specifying the JES form are selected by the platform server.

This parameter can be combined with the other SAPI selection filters to limit the output that is selected.

SAPI_REMOTE_PRINTER Defines a field from 1 to 64 bytes where the remote printer name is defined for all SAPI requests for this node.

The same substitutable parameters are supported as are supported by the SAPI_REMOTE_FILE parameter. However, typically the printer name is hard coded and does not use substitutable parameters.

For more information on usage of the substitutable parameters, see SAPI_REMOTE_FILE.

SAPI_REMOTE_FILE Defines a field from 1 to 64 bytes where the remote file name is defined for all SAPI requests for this node.

This means that the SAPI transfer request is sent to a file on the remote system, instead of to a printer.

To make the remote file name unique, the platform server supports a variety of substitutable parameters that can be specified within the remote file name. The substitutable parameters all begin with a percent sign (%) and ends with one of the these characters: period (.), forward slash (/), back slash (\), brackets(( )), or apostrophe (').

When a substitutable parameter is followed by a period (.), the period is removed. If you want a period to follow the parameter, you must specify two periods.

Substitutable parameters are also terminated at the end of the remote file name. You can specify the start and length of a substitutable parameter by following the parameter with (SS.LL). SS defines the start byte relative to 1, and LL defines the length of the parameter.

The following are the supported substitutable parameters:
  • %JOBN: the name of the SAPI job.
  • %JOBID: the job ID of the SAPI job.
  • %JDATE: the current Julian date in the format YYDDD.
  • %JDATEC: the current Julian date in the format CCYYDDD.
  • %GDATE: the current Gregorian date in the format YYMMDD.
  • %GDATEC: the current Gregorian date in the format CCYYMMDD.
  • %TIME: the current time in the format HHMMSST.
  • %DEST: the JES destination of a SAPI request. If a destination is not defined for a request, then default value LOCAL or DEST is used.

See the following two examples for your reference:


    can be translated to

  • SAPI_REMOTE_FILE=C:\PRINT\report%TRN(9.2).txt

    can be translated to

SAPI_TRY Defines the number of times a SAPI request is tried when a temporary network error occurs.

This parameter has no default value. If this parameter is not defined, then the GLOBAL DEFAULT_TRY_COUNT is used to define the number of times the request can be tried.

SAPI_WRITER Defines the 8 byte JES writer name that is used as a filter for SAPI requests.

If this parameter is not defined, writer is not used as a filter for SAPI requests. If this parameter is defined, only jobs specifying the JES writer are selected.

This parameter can be combined with the other SAPI selection filters to limit the output that is selected.

Defines whether SSL/TLS is used when communicating with this NODE definition. There are three values for this parameter:
  • YES: TLS is used. A TLS Connection will be established to verify the client and server. After creating a secure TLS connection, a symmetric encryption key will be transmitted from the client to the server and the SS/TLS connection will be broken.
  • NO: No SSL/TLS connection is created.
  • TUNNEL: All data transmitted is sent over an encrypted TLS Tunnel.

This parameter is used for initiator (outgoing) requests only. TLS/SSL usage on responder (incoming) requests depends on the IP port on which the request is received. This parameter overrides any default values set by the GLOBAL definitions.

TCPCONNECT_ADAPTER_IPADDR_IPV4 Defines an IPv4 address that is used in the TCP bind.

When initiating a connection request, the platform server can bind the connection to a particular IP address. This parameter overrides the adapter IP address.

This parameter applies only when the connection is for an IPv4 address or an IP name.
  • If this parameter is defined, TCP binds to the IP address defined by this parameter.
  • If this parameter is not defined, TCP binds to the adapter IP address specified in the GLOBAL TCPCONNECT_IPADDR_IPV4 parameter.
  • If this parameter is not defined and the GLOBAL TCPCONNECT_IPADDR_IPV4 parameter is not defined, TCP binds to all adapters.
TCPCONNECT_ADAPTER_IPADDR_IPV6 Defines an IPv6 address that is used in the TCP bind.

When initiating a connection request, the platform server can bind the connection to a particular IPv6 address. This parameter can be used to override the adapter IPv6 address.

This parameter applies only when the connection is for an IPv6 address or an IP name.
  • If this parameter is defined, TCP binds to the IPv6 address defined by this parameter.
  • If this parameter is not defined, TCP binds to the adapter IP address specified in the GLOBAL TCPCONNECT_IPADDR_IPV6 parameter.
  • If this parameter is not defined and the GLOBAL TCPCONNECT_IPADDR_IPV6 parameter is not defined, TCP binds to all adapters.
TRAP_TRANSFER_REQUESTS Defines whether SNMP traps are sent for file transfers on this node.
The valid values are:
  • YES: traps are sent for all transfers which are completed either successfully or unsuccessfully.
  • NO: traps are not sent. This is the default value.
  • ERRORS: traps are sent when a request is unsuccessful and cannot be retried.
This parameter overrides the GLOBAL TRAP_TRANSFER_REQUESTS parameter. If this parameter is not defined, the GLOBAL TRAP_TRANSFER_REQUESTS is used by default.
WAIT_FOR_SESSION Defines whether users on the mainframe can queue up transactions for remote systems that are unconnected and have platform server for z/OS wait for that system to connect before dispatching the transfers.

The valid values are YES or NO. The default value is NO.

This parameter works together with the DISCONNECT parameter to define whether the user can disconnect the session with the remote system after all the transaction queued for that system are completed.
Note: This parameter cannot be used for TCP node definitions.