
Helm Chart Values

Command Lines

This section shows the command lines for all of the ModelOps servers.

Data Channel Registry

The data channel registry is a server that supports data channel discovery and provides an API for querying available data channels.

The data channel registry is shipped in <product-home>/distrib/tibco/modelops/bin/data-channel.jar

These command line options are supported:

 -d,--local-data <zero or more local data files>    Operate the server outside a Kubernetes environment, with local data files, for API testing only
 -h,--help                                          Display usage and exit
 -l,--logging <Logback configuration file path>	Set a non-default Logback configuration file to use for logging
 -n,--namespace <Kubernetes namespace name>	        Set a non-default Kubernetes namespace in which the server will operate. Default is
                                                    no namespace, option with no argument discovers the namespace.
 -p,--listen-port <listen port number               Set a non-default listen port. Default value is 8080.
 -t,--request-response-trace <"disable" | "basic" | "headers">   Manage request/response tracing
 -v,--version                                       Display version and exit

The data channel registry can be started using:

java -jar data-channel-registry.jar 


The metrics server provides aggregated real-time access to metrics captured in Prometheus. It is a Streaming node hosting LiveView.

The metrics application is shipped as <product-home>/distrib/tibco/modelops/application/

These substitution variables are supported.

Name Type Description Default
METRIC_DATA_MAX_AGE_MINUTES String Maximum metric age in minutes 5
METRIC_DATA_MAX_TABLE_SIZE_MEGABYTES String Maximum metric table size in megabytes 50
METRIC_DATA_POLLING_SECOND String Metric data polling interval in seconds 30
METRIC_METADATA_POLLING_SECOND String Meta-data polling interval in seconds 60
METRIC_PROMETHEUS_URL String Prometheus server URL http://localhost:9090

The real-time metrics server can be started with default configuration values using:

epadmin install node --application --nodename A.metrics
epadmin --servicename A.metrics start node
epadmin --servicename A.metrics stop node
epadmin --servicename A.metrics remove node


The ModelOps server supports artifact management and provides REST API to access all ModelOps functions.

The ModelOps server is shipped in <product-home>/distrib/tibco/modelops/bin/modelops-server.jar

These command line options are supported:

 -b,--backup <directory>                 backup the database and exit (backup file place in the directory)
 -c,--configuration <file>               configuration file
 -f,--force                              remove records prior to restore (valid with restore only)
 -gs,--generate-secret                   extract the master secret from the keystore into a file and exit
 -h,--help                               display usage and exit
 -kf,--keystore-file <file>              keystore file (valid and required for generate-secret only)
 -kp,--keystore-password <pass-phrase>   keystore password (valid and required for generate-secret only)
 -l,--logging <file>                     change default logging configuration
 -ms,--master-secret <file>              master secret file (valid and required for generate-secret only)
 -r,--restore <file>                     restores the database from the backup file and exit
 -s,--substitutions <name=value,...>     substitution values
 -sf,--substitution-file <file>          substitution file
 -t,--request-response-trace             enable request/response tracing
 -v,--version                            display version and exit

The ModelOps server can be started using:

java -jar modelops-server.jar 


The Scheduling server provides support for starting jobs to execute scoring pipelines and data channels.

The Scheduling server is shipped in <product-home>/distrib/tibco/modelops/bin/scheduling-server.jar

These command line options are supported:

 -a,--admin-username <admin user name>              Set the admin user name, defaults to admin
 -c,--cleanup-age <cleanup time in minutes>         Set cleanup time of completed tasks, defaults to 60 minutes
 -g,--log-level <Log level>                         Set log level for the deployed scheduling job, defaults to INFO
 -h,--help                                          Display usage and exit
 -l,--logging <Logback configuration file path>     Set a non-default Logback configuration file to use for logging
 -n,--namespace <Kubernetes namespace name>         Set a non-default Kubernetes namespace in which the server will operate, defaults to current
 -o,--local                                         Operate the server outside a Kubernetes environment, with no scheduling, for API testing only
 -p,--listen-port <listen port number>              Set a non-default listen port. Default value is 8080.
 -s,--session-timeout <session timeout in seconds>  Set login session timeout in seconds, defaults to 3600 (1 hour)
 -t,--request-response-trace <"disable" | "basic" | "headers">   Manage request/response tracing
 -ti,--tools-image <tools container image name>     Set tools container image name to be used when scheduling jobs in the future
 -v,--version                                       Display version and exit

The Scheduling server can be started using:

java -jar scheduling-server.jar 


The Scoring server supports model execution via model runners.

The Scoring server is shipped in <product-home>/distrib/tibco/modelops/bin/scoring-server.jar

These command line options are supported:

-c,--configuration <Server configuration file path> Set a file to configure the server
-h,--help                                           Display usage and exit
-l,--logging <Logback configuration file path>      Set a non-default Logback configuration file to use for logging
-p,--listen-port <listen port number>               Set a non-default listen port. Default value is 8080.
-r,--runners <List of runner directories>           Set a list of directories to search for scoring runners, default
                                                    value is /opt/work/sb10/distrib/tibco/modelops/runner
-s,--session-timeout <session timeout in seconds>   Set login session timeout in seconds, defaults to 3600 (1 hour)
-sf,--substitution-file <a file containing substitution variable settings in Java properties format> Provide a file of substitution
                                                    name/value pairs for use in a server configuration file
-sv,--substitutions <substitutions as comma-separated name=value pairs> Provide substitution name/value pairs for use in a server
                                                    configuration file
-t,--request-response-trace <"disable" | "basic" | "headers"> Manage request/response tracing
-v,--version                                        Display version and exit

The Scoring server can be started using:

java -jar scoring-server.jar