Runtime Security Configuration


This article provides a reference for writing a StreamBase Runtime security configuration file where the HOCON type is

The root objects in this configuration type are:

LDAP Authentication Realms
Local Authentication Realms
Local Admin Authentication Realms
Role-to-Privileges Mappings
Secure Communication Client Profiles
Secure Communication Server Profiles
Trusted Hosts

Use the contents menu above to open the root object section of interest.

Each root object can reside in its own configuration file of this configuration type. As an alternative, each root object can be embedded in the same file of this type.

Required Header Lines

Each configuration file must contain the following header lines, typically found at the beginning of each file:


Specifies an arbitrary, case-sensitive string to name this configuration, which must be unique among other files with the same type, if any. Configuration files can refer to each other by this name. Select a name that reminds you of this configuration's type and purpose. For example:

name = "sbsecurity"

Specifies an arbitrary version number that you can use to keep track of file versions for this configuration type in your development project. The maintenance of version numbers is under user control; StreamBase does not compare versions when loading configuration files during the fragment launch process. The version number is a string value, and can contain any combination of characters and numbers. For example:

version = "1.0.0"

This essential setting specifies the unique HOCON configuration type described on this page.

type = ""

The three header lines taken together constitute a unique signature for each HOCON file in a project's configurations folder. Each project's configurations folder can contain only one file with the same signature.

The top-level configuration object defines the configuration envelope the same way for all HOCON file types.


On a line below the header element lines, enter the word configuration followed by an open brace. The configuration element is a sibling of the name, version, and type elements, and serves to define the configuration envelope around this type's objects as described on this page. The file must end with the matching close brace.

configuration = {

LDAP Authentication Realm

This configuration type defines a single LDAP authentication realm. The realm can contain multiple servers for redundancy to authenticate StreamBase or Live Datamart users and check the roles to which those users belong. It is separate from the base engine configuration and can therefore be managed separately without having to recreate an application archive and redeploy the application.


A single LDAP authentication realm. The realm can contain multiple servers for redundancy.


The name of this realm, unique across all authentication realms. This field is required. For example:

name = "my-realm"

An array of one or more LDAP servers that authenticate principals in this LDAP realm. This array is required, and must contain at least one element.


String. The LDAP server's host name. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is localhost.

For example:

host = ""

Int. The LDAP server's portNumber number. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is 389.

For example:

portNumber = 390

The type of principal authentication to perform.

BIND authenticates principals by connecting to the LDAP server using the principal name and credentials.

LOCAL_PASSWORD_COMPARE authenticates principals by connecting to the LDAP server using the system principal, searching for the user, retrieving its principalPasswordAttribute, and comparing locally with the principal's credentials.

REMOTE_PASSWORD_COMPARE is the same as local except that the comparison is performed at the server. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is BIND.

For example:

principalAuthenticationAlgorithm = LOCAL_PASSWORD_COMPARE

String. The password attribute of this server's principals. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is userPassword.


String. The LDAP filter expression used when searching for principals. The filter permits Java pattern substitution expressions; {0} is bound to the input principal, and {1} is bound to its corresponding DN. This name-value pair is optional. Default is CN={0}.

For example:

principalSearch = "CN={0}"

A list of Distinguished Names under which principals are searched for during search-based authentication or user ID-to-DN conversion. This name-value pair is required and must contain at least one element.

For example:

principalRoots = [ "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" ]

String. Attribute of a role entry that is used to map to privileges. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is CN. For example:

roleAttribute = "roleID"

String. The LDAP filter expression used when searching for roles of which a principal is a member. The filter permits Java pattern substitution expressions; {0} is bound to the input principal, and {1} is bound to its corresponding DN. This name-value pair is optional, with a default value of "roleOccupant= {1}".

For example:

roleSearch = "membership={1}"

A list of Distinguished Names under which roles are searched for. This name-value pair is optional and defaults to the value of the principalRoots name-value pair. For example:

roleRoots = [ "ou=roles,dc=example,dc=com" ]

String. Name of a secure communication client profile to use when configuring secure communications with an LDAP server. This name-value pair is optional and has no default value.

If present, this profile must be used when setting the ldmSecureInternalCommunicationProfileName property in Live Datamart Internal Credentials Configuration file or the secureCommunicationProfileName property in Live Datamart Client API Listener Configuration file.

If not present, LDAP connections do not use secure communication.

For example:

secureCommunicationProfileName = "my-secure-communication-client-profile"

String. The password used by the authentication system to log in to the LDAP server. You can provide an enciphered string for the value; generate the enciphered string with the sbcipher command and prefix #! to the generated string. This name-value pair is required.

For example:

password = "secret"

String. The principal used by the authentication system to log in to the LDAP server and query for principal or role information. This name-value pair is required. For example:

systemPrincipal = "cn=SBLDAPUser,cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"

Examples, LDAP Authentication Realm

The following is an example of the LDAP realm security configuration subtype.

name = "ldaprealm"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  LDAPAuthenticationRealm = {
    name = "ldap-authentication-realm"
    servers = [
        host = "localhost"
        portNumber = 389        
        systemPrincipal = "CN=lvintern,OU=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
        systemPassword = "lvintern"
        secureCommunicationProfileName = "secure-client"
        principalSearchRoots = [
        roleSearchRoots = [
        roleSearchFilter = "roleOccupant={1}"

Local Authentication Realm

The local authentication realm contains local user, password, and role information for authenticating StreamBase EventFlow and Live Datamart users.


Defines a local authentication realm, containing one or more principals.


The name of this realm, unique across all authentication realms. This name-value pair is required. For example:

name = "my-realm"

A list of principals in this realm. This name-value pair is optional and has no default value.


The name of the principal. This name-value pair is required and cannot be an empty string. For example:

userName = "bob"

The principal's password, either clear text or enciphered. Any parameter value beginning with #! is enciphered with the sbcipher tool. This name-value pair is required. For example:

password ="secret2"

The roles to which this principal belongs, if any. Each role is an arbitrary text string, which can be bound to various privileges in a role-to-privileges mapping object. This name-value pair is optional. If present, the array must at least one element.

For example:

roles = [ "BasicUser" ]

Examples, Local Authentication Realm

The following is a sample local authentication configuration file for StreamBase.

name = "localrealm1"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  LocalAuthenticationRealm = {
    principals = [
        userName = "Administrator"
        hashedPassword = "#!M5DSWylszg5aA9AK29MOiaDLq7SMqmTor
        roles = [
        passwordExpirationPeriodDays = 12
        passwordAlwaysRequired = true
        trustedHostAccessOnly = false

The following is a sample local authentication configuration file for Live Datamart.

name = "authRealm"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  LocalAuthenticationRealm = {
    name = "authRealm"
    principals = [
        userName = "admin"
        password ="admin"
        roles = [ "LVAdmin" ]
        userName = "lvintern"
        password ="lvintern"
        roles = [ "LVInternal" ]
        userName = "guest"
        password ="guest"
        roles = [ "LVGuest" ]
        userName = "tester"
        password ="tester"
        roles = [ "LVUser" ]
        userName = "client"
        password ="client"
        roles = [ "LVUser" ]
 SecureCommunicationServerProfile = {
   keyStore = "C:/Users/sbuser/Desktop/AddOns/SSL/X509/serverkeystore.jks"
   keyStorePassword = "changeit"
   keyStoreType = "JKS"
   keyPassword = "changeit"
   name = "serverprofile"
   requireClientAuthentication = true
   trustStore = "C:/Users/sbuser/Desktop/AddOns/SSL/X509/truststore.jks"
   trustStorePassword = "changeit"
   trustStoreType = "JKS"
   userNameObjectIdentifierSearchPath = [ "emailAddress", "CN", "DN" ]
 SecureCommunicationClientProfile = {
   name = "clientprofile"
   keyStore = "C:/Users/sbuser/Desktop/AddOns/SSL/X509/serverkeystore.jks"
   keyStorePassword = "changeit"
   keyStoreType = "JKS"
   keyPassword = "changeit"
   requireClientAuthentication = true
   trustStore = "C:/Users/sbuser/Desktop/AddOns/SSL/X509/truststore.jks"
   trustStorePassword = "changeit"
   trustStoreType = "JKS"

Local Admin Authentication Realm

This authentication realm applies to epadmin command users performing such operations as starting and stopping a StreamBase Runtime node. If you do not have admin users in your configuration, the local admin authentication realm is not required.


Defines a local authentication realm, containing one or more administrator principals.


An array of administrator principals. This name-value pair is optional and has no default value.


The principal name. This name-value pair is required and cannot be an empty string.

For example:

userName = "JohnDoe"

Principal's password, either in clear text or enciphered. You can provide an enciphered string for an operator parameter’s value, as generated with the sbcipher command; you must prefix #!to the generated string.

For example:

Password = "M5DSWylszg5aA9AK29MOiaDLq7SMqmTor+nW3qURTrT9E9eqJfT

Roles to which the principal has access, if any. Each role is an arbitrary text string, which can be bound to various privileges in a role-to-privileges mapping object. This name-value pair is optional. If present, the array must contain at least one member.

For example:

roles = [ "BasicUser" ]

Password expiration time in days. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is 0, meaning the password never expires.

For example:

passwordExpirationPeriodDays = 12

Sets whether a credential is always required. If true, the principal must always present a credential during authentication, and cannot use the trusted host facility. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is false.

For example:

passwordAlwaysRequired = true

Whether the principal may only be authenticated when connecting from a trusted host.

For example:

trustedHostAccessOnly = false

Examples, Local Admin Authentication Realm

The following is a sample local admin authentication realm configuration for epadmin users.

name = "localadminrealm1"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  LocalAdminAuthenticationRealm = {
    principals = [
        userName = "SBuser"
        roles = [
        passwordExpirationPeriodDays = 12
        passwordAlwaysRequired = true
        trustedHostAccessOnly = false

Role to Privileges Mappings


A description of general privileges associated with roles. Each privilege has an associated resource; a privilege defines what you can do, and its associated resource defines what you can do it.


An associative array of privileges keyed by role.


String. Role name example.


The privilege's type. This name-value pair is required.

For example:

privilege = "AdminRunCommand"

String. Role name example.


The privilege's type. This name-value pair is required.

For example:

privilege = "StreamEnqueue"

String. The resource to which the privilege applies. For example, if the privilege allows writing to an event stream, the resource might be the stream name, or a regular expression that matches multiple stream names. If the privilege does not apply to a resource, this name-value pair can be left null. This name-value pair is optional and has no default value.

For example:

resource = "default.InputStream1"

String. Role name example.

A role must be assigned at least one privilege. A resource can be assigned to a privilege unless otherwise noted. StreamBase 10 uses HOCON to replace Live Datamart users, roles, and privileges settings that were previously configured in and files in StreamBase 7.


The privilege type that maps to the role. This name-value pair is required.

The following table describes the available Live Datamart privileges that you can assign. The description column maps HOCON-configured privileges to their StreamBase 7 equivalents, where applicable.

The examples below the table describe possible Live Datamart and LiveView Web user roles with privileges and resources assigned to those roles.

Privilege Description
API access privileges
APIConnect Maps to the Live Datamart connect privilege
Stream-related privileges, mapped to the corresponding StreamBase and Live Datamart privileges
StreamEnqueue Maps to the StreamBase Enqueue privilege and the Live Datamart tuple:send privilege
StreamDequeue Maps to the StreamBase Dequeue privilege
LiveViewSBStreamInfoRetrieve Maps to the LiveView sbinfo:get privilege
LiveView administrative privileges
LiveViewPublisherKill Maps to the LiveView publisher:kill privilege
LiveViewQueryKill Maps to the LiveView query:kill privilege
LiveViewSessionKill Maps to the LiveView session:kill privilege
LiveViewAll LiveView table full ("*") privileges
LiveViewShutdown LiveView server shutdown privileges
LiveView table alert privileges
LiveViewAlertAll Maps to the LiveView alert.* privilege
LiveViewAlertDelete Maps to the LiveView alert:delete privilege
LiveViewAlertList Maps to the LiveView alert:list privilege
LiveViewAlertSet Maps to the LiveView alert:set privilege
LiveViewAlertActionAll Maps to the LiveView alertaction:* privilege
LiveViewAlertActionDelete Maps to the LiveView alertaction:delete privilege
LiveViewAlertActionEmail Maps to the LiveView alertaction:email privilege
LiveViewAlertActionJava Maps to the LiveView alertaction:java privilege
LiveViewAlertActionOSCommand Maps to the LiveView alertaction:oscmd privilege
LiveViewAlertActionPublish Maps to the LiveView alertaction:publish privilege
LiveViewAlertActionSendTuple Maps to the LiveView alertaction:sendtuple privilege
LiveView table management privileges
LiveViewTableAll Maps to the LiveView table:* privilege
LiveViewTableDelete Maps to the LiveView table:delete privilege
LiveViewTableList Maps to the LiveView table:list privilege
LiveViewTableManage Maps to the LiveView table:manage privilege
LiveViewTableQuery Maps to the LiveView table:query privilege
LiveViewTablePublish Maps to the LiveView table:publish privilege
LiveViewTableCCQuery Maps to the LiveView table:ccquery privilege
LiveViewTableAdd Maps to the LiveView table:add privilege
LiveViewTableRemove Maps to the LiveView table:remove privilege
LiveView tuple management privileges
LiveViewTupleAll Maps to the LiveView tuple:* privilege
LiveViewTupleInfo Maps to the LiveView tuple:info privilege
LiveViewTupleSend Maps to the LiveView tuple:send privilege
LiveView workspace management privileges
LiveViewWorkspaceAll Maps to the LiveView workspace:* privilege
LiveViewWorkspaceDelete Maps to the LiveView workspace:delete privilege
LiveViewWorkspaceGet Maps to the LiveView workspace:get privilege
LiveViewWorkspaceSet Maps to the LiveView workspace:set privilege
LiveView Web privileges
LiveViewWebDashboardCreate Maps to the LiveView Web dashboard:create privilege
LiveViewWebPageCreate Maps to the LiveView Web page:create privilege
LiveViewWebCardCreate Maps to the LiveView Web card:create privilege
LiveViewWebLinkageCreate Maps to the LiveView Web linkage:create privilege

The example below shows a Live Datamart user role, LVAdmin, with all Live Datamart privileges. This is equivalent to configuring the file to role.LVAdmin = * in StreamBase 7.

LVAdmin = [
  privilege = "LiveViewAll"

For those familiar with StreamBase 7, recall that several internal LiveView components were required to make requests to access LiveView server resources, by setting LiveView properties files. When authentication was enabled, for example, these internal requests had to be made in the context of a valid LiveView user configured with the appropriate permissions. A special role, LVInternal, satisfied this requirement.

In StreamBase 10, instead of configuring LiveView properties files, create a Live Datamart user role, LVInternal, and map privileges to the role to perform internal LiveView user functions similar to those in StreamBase 7.

For example:

LVInternal = [
    privilege = "APIConnect"
    privilege = "LiveViewShutdown"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableQuery"
    privilege = "LiveViewTablePublish"
    resource = "LVAlerts"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableDelete"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableManage"
    privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceAll"

The following example shows a Live Datamart user role, LVUser, assigned Live Datamart and LiveView Web privileges:

LVUser = [
    privilege = "APIConnect"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableList"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableManage"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableAll"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableQuery"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertList"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertSet"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertDelete"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionPublish"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionEmail"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionSendTuple"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewTupleInfo"
    resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
    privilege = "LiveViewTupleSend"
    resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
    privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceGet"
    resource = "Auth Sample"
    privilege = "LiveViewWebCardCreate"
    privilege = "LiveViewWebDashboardCreate"
    privilege = "LiveViewWebLinkageCreate"
    privilege = "LiveViewWebPageCreate"


The following example shows a Live Datamart user role, LVGuest, assigned Live Datamart privileges:

LVGuest = [
    privilege = "APIConnect"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableList"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableManage"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableAll"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewTableQuery"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertList"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertSet"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertDelete"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionPublish"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionEmail"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionSendTuple"
    resource = "ItemsSales"
    privilege = "LiveViewTupleInfo"
    resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
    privilege = "LiveViewTupleSend"
    resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
    privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceGet"
    resource = "Auth Sample"

The following example shows a LiveView Web user role, LVWebUser, assigned the following privileges:

LVWebUser = [
    privilege = "LiveViewWebCardCreate"
    privilege = "LiveViewWebDashboardCreate"
    privilege = "LiveViewWebLinkageCreate"
    privilege = "LiveViewWebPageCreate"

String. The resource to which the privilege applies. If the privilege doesn't apply to a resource, this name-value pair can be left null. This name-value pair is optional and has no default value.

For example:

resource = "myTable"

String. Role name example.


The privilege's type. This name-value pair is required.

For example:

privilege = "StreamEnqueue"
privilege = "StreamDequeue"

String. The resource to which the privilege applies. For example, if the privilege allows writing to an event stream, the resource might be the stream name, or a regular expression that matches multiple stream names. If the privilege does not apply to a resource, this name-value pair can be left null. This name-value pair is optional and has no default value.

For example:

resource = "default.InputStream1"
resource = "default.OutputStream1"

Example, Role to Privileges Mappings

The following is a general sample RoleToPrivilegeMappings configuration file. Each privilege has an associated resource; a privilege defines what you can do, and its associated resource defines what you can do it to.

name = "my-role-mappings"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  RoleToPrivilegeMappings = {
    privileges = {
      admin = [
          privilege = "AdminRunCommand"
      streamBaseSuperuser = [
          privilege = "StreamEnqueue"
          resource = "default.InputStream1"
      basicUser = [
          privilege = "StreamEnqueue"
          resource = "default.InputStream1"
          privilege = "StreamDequeue"
          resource = "default.OutputStream1"

The following is a sample RoleToPrivilegeMappings configuration file that includes StreamBase, Live Datamart, and LiveView Web configuration.

name = "my-RoleToPrivilegeMappings"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  RoleToPrivilegeMappings = {
    privileges = {
      AdministratorSpecificCommands = [
          privilege = "AdminRunCommand"
          resource = "breakpointplugin::Plugin::continueCommand"
          privilege = "AdminRunCommand"
          resource = "security::SecurityPlugin::display"
      StreamBaseSuperuser = [
          privilege = "StreamEnqueue"
          resource = "default.InputStream1"
      StreamBaseBasicUser = [
          privilege = "StreamEnqueue"
          resource = "default.InputStream1"
          privilege = "StreamDequeue"
          resource = "default.OutputStream1"
      AnotherAdminUser = [
          privilege = "StreamEnqueue"
          resource = "default.InputStream1"
          privilege = "APIConnect"
      LDMUserAll = [
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertAll"
          resource = "alertName1"
          privilege = "LiveViewTupleAll"
          resource = "mySchema1"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableAll"
          resource = "myTable1"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionAll"
          resource = "alertName2"
          privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceAll"
          resource = "wsName1"
      LDMUserAll2 = [
          privilege = "LiveViewAll"
      LDMUserEach = [
          privilege = "LiveViewShutdown"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableList"
          resource = "myTable"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableDelete"
          resource = "myTable"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableManage"
          resource = "myTable"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableQuery"
          resource = "myTable"
          privilege = "LiveViewTablePublish"
          resource = "myTable"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertDelete"
          resource = "alertName"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertSet"
          resource = "alertName"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertList"
          resource = "alertName"
          privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceGet"
          resource = "wsName"
          privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceSet"
          resource = "wsName"
          privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceDelete"
          resource = "wsName"
          privilege = "LiveViewTupleInfo"
          resource = "stream1"
          privilege = "LiveViewTupleSend"
          resource = "stream2"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionDelete"
          resource = "alert1"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionEmail"
          resource = "alert1"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionJava"
          resource = "alert1"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionOSCommand"
          resource = "alert1"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionPublish"
          resource = "alert1"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionSendTuple"
          resource = "alert1"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebCardCreate"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebDashboardCreate"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebLinkageCreate"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebPageCreate"

The following is a sample RoleToPrivilegeMappings configuration file that includes only Live Datamart and LiveView Web configuration.

name = "my-role-mappings"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  RoleToPrivilegeMappings = {
    privileges = {
      LVAdmin = [
          privilege = "LiveViewAll"
      LVInternal = [
          privilege = "APIConnect"
          privilege = "LiveViewShutdown"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableQuery"
          privilege = "LiveViewTablePublish"
          resource = "LVAlerts"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableDelete"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableManage"
          privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceAll"
      LVUser = [
          privilege = "APIConnect"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableList"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableManage"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableAll"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableQuery"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertList"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertSet"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertDelete"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionPublish"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionEmail"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionSendTuple"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewTupleInfo"
          resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
          privilege = "LiveViewTupleSend"
          resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
          privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceGet"
          resource = "Auth Sample"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebCardCreate"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebDashboardCreate"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebLinkageCreate"
          privilege = "LiveViewWebPageCreate"
      LVGuest = [
          privilege = "APIConnect"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableList"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableManage"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableAll"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewTableQuery"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertList"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertSet"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertDelete"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionPublish"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionEmail"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewAlertActionSendTuple"
          resource = "ItemsSales"
          privilege = "LiveViewTupleInfo"
          resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
          privilege = "LiveViewTupleSend"
          resource = "ItemsSales.DataIn"
          privilege = "LiveViewWorkspaceGet"
          resource = "Auth Sample"

Secure Communication Client Profile

Each profile has a unique name across all server and client profile types; the name serves as a reference target from other configurations wishing to enable secure communication.

The client profile is for INTERNAL client connections, that is by the server to the server. If you enable SSL on a Live Datamart server, you need both the SecureCommunicationClientProfile and the SecureCommunicationServerProfiles configured. This is due to the server and client certificates having different attributes, and CAs do not issue a single certificate appropriate for both client and server use.


A secure communication profile configuration object contains settings used to secure client-side transport connections, for example to external services such as LDAP. Profiles are named, and then referenced as needed by other configurations needing secure communication.


The name of this profile, unique across all secure communication profiles. This name-value pair is required. For example:

name = "my-profile"

Key store that contains key materials as well as optional trust store information, depending on key store format. It must be a file. If the key store contains multiple private key entries (aliases in JKS parlance), the first is used. The path is required to be absolute, therefore the file must exist on the target node's file system. This name-value pair is optional. If present, engines acting as clients can establish secure connections to services and perform client (mutual) authentication. For example:

keyStore = "/absolute/path/myKeyStore.jks"

String. Keystore password, used to access the keystore contents. You can provide an enciphered string for the value; generate the enciphered string with the sbcipher command and prefix #! to the generated string. This name-value pair is required. For example:

keyStorePassword = "secret"

String. The password to access the key within the keystore. You can provide an enciphered string for the value; generate the enciphered string with the sbcipher command and prefix #! to the generated string. This name-value pair is optional. If absent, the keystore password is used to access the name-value pair.

For example:

keyPassword = "anothersecret"

Key store type. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is JKS. For example:

keyStoreType = "JKS"

Trust store containing CAs by which client certificates must be signed to be trusted. Same comments as for the keystore property above: must be a file; generator responsible for setting system property to an absolute file name. The path is required to be absolute, therefore the file must exist on the target node's file system. This name-value pair is required.

For example:

trustStore = "/absolute/path/myTrustStore.jks"

The password to access the trust store. You can provide an enciphered string for the value; generate the enciphered string with the sbcipher command and prefix #! to the generated string.

For example:

trustStorePassword = "athirdsecret"

Trust store type. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is JKS.

For example:

trustStoreType = "JKS"

Enable or disable required client authentication. Enabling requires presence of a key store to sign the client side of the secure communication handshake. This name-value pair is optional, and its default value is false. If its value is true, both a key store and key store password are required.

For example:

requireClientAuthentication = true

Examples, Secure Communication Client Profile

The following is a sample that configures a secure communication profile for a client endpoint. A secure communication profile configuration object contains settings used to secure client-side transport connections (for example, to external services such as LDAP). Profiles are named and then referenced as needed by other configurations needing secure communication.

name = "mycommunicationsettings"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  SecureCommunicationClientProfile = {
    name = "my-profile"
    keyStore = "/absolute/path/myKeyStore.jks"
    keyStorePassword = "secret"
    keyPassword = "anothersecret"
    keyStoreType = "JKS"
    trustStore = "/absolute/path/myTrustStore.jks"
    trustStorePassword = "athirdsecret"
    trustStoreType = "JKS"
    requireClientAuthentication = true

Secure Communication Server Profile

Each profile has a unique name across all server and client profile types; the name serves as a reference target from other configurations wishing to enable secure communication.

This profile is for the Live Datamart API listener. For SSL with client certificate authentication, the profile contains a trust store used to validate incoming server certificates. Also, if you enable SSL on a Live Datamart server, you need both the Secure Communication Client Profile and the Secure Communication Server Profiles configured. This is due to the server and client certificates having different attributes, and certificate authorities do not issue a single certificate appropriate for both client and server use.


A secure communication profile configuration object contains settings used to secure server-side transport connections, for example from EventFlow and LiveView API clients. Profiles are named, and then referenced as needed by other configurations needing secure communication.


The name of this profile, unique across all secure communication profiles. This name-value pair is required. For example:

name = "my-profile"

Key store that contains key materials as well as optional trust store information, depending on key store format. It must be a file. If the key store contains multiple private key entries (aliases in JKS parlance), the first is used. The path is required to be absolute, therefore the file must exist on the target node's file system. This name-value pair is optional. If present, engines acting as clients can establish secure connections to services and perform client (mutual) authentication. For example:

keyStore = "/absolute/path/myKeyStore.jks"

String. Keystore password, used to access the keystore contents. You can provide an enciphered string for the value; generate the enciphered string with the sbcipher command and prefix #! to the generated string. This name-value pair is required. For example:

keyStorePassword = "secret"

String. The password to access the key within the keystore. You can provide an enciphered string for the value; generate the enciphered string with the sbcipher command and prefix #! to the generated string. This name-value pair is optional; if absent, the keystore password is used to access the name-value pair.

For example:

keyPassword = "anothersecret"

Key store type. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is JKS. For example:

keyStoreType = "JKS"

Trust store containing CAs used to establish trust. As with the keystore property, the store must be a an absolute file that exists on the target node's file system. This key is optional. If present, engine API listeners can perform client (mutual) authentication with their clients.

For example:

trustStore = "/absolute/path/myTrustStore.jks"

The password to access the trust store. You can provide an enciphered string for the value; generate the enciphered string with the sbcipher command and prefix #! to the generated string.

For example:

trustStorePassword = "athirdsecret"

Trust store type. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is JKS.

For example:

trustStoreType = "JKS"

Enable or disable required client authentication. Enabling requires presence of a key store to sign the client side of the secure communication handshake. This name-value pair is optional, and its default value is false. If its value is true, both a key store and key store password are required.

For example:

requireClientAuthentication = true

An array of attribute keywords or X.509 object identifiers (OIDs), indicating the order in which the client's X.509 certificate subject Distinguished Name attributes are searched for to find a user name for authorization purposes. This name-value pair is only relevant if requireClientAuthentication is enabled. Supported attribute keywords are userID, CN, emailAddress, and DN. This name-value pair is optional and its default value is the search order emailAddress, CN, DN.

For example:

userNameObjectIdentifierSearchPath = [ "userID", "CN", "", "DN" ]

Examples, Secure Communication Server Profile

The following sample configures a secure communication profile for a server endpoint. A secure communication profile configuration object contains settings used to secure server-side transport connections (for example, from EventFlow and LiveView API clients). Profiles are named and then referenced as needed by other configurations needing secure communication.

name = "mycommunicationsettings"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {
  SecureCommunicationServerProfile = {
    name = "my-profile"
    keyStore = "/absolute/path/myKeyStore.jks"
    keyStorePassword = "secret"
    keyPassword = "anothersecret"
    keyStoreType = "JKS"
    trustStore = "/absolute/path/myTrustStore.jks"
    trustStorePassword = "athirdsecret"
    trustStoreType = "JKS"
    requireClientAuthentication = true
    userNameObjectIdentifierSearchPath = [ "userID", "CN", "", "DN" ]

Trusted Hosts

The default local authentication source in a node supports the configuration of trusted hosts, which allows for expedited authentication of principals when the authentication request originates with a network connection from a configured trusted host. Authentication from a trusted host passes without consideration for credentials. That is, if the authentication request originates from a trusted host, the StreamBase Runtime trusts that the host-based authentication mechanism (such as a UNIX login) to have verified the identity of the principal.


A list of hosts from which users do not need to authenticate when executing administrative commands. Hosts must be in an array.


String. The host names, such as fully qualified domain names, simple names, DNS names, and IP addresses.

For example:

hosts = [

Examples, Trusted Hosts

The following is a sample TrustedHosts configuration file.

name = "my-hosts"
version = "1.0.0"
type = ""
configuration = {

  TrustedHosts = {
    hosts = [