Live Datamart Resolved Issues

The following tables list resolved issues for each TIBCO® Live Datamart release.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.2.1

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.2.1 is a maintenance release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document, and corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.2.1 inherits all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.2 as well as all fixes on the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.8.

Release 10.2.1 does not contain any new fixes or corrections beyond what is described above.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.2.0

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.2.0 is a major release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document, and corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.2.0 inherited all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.1 as well as all fixes on the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.8.

Number Resolution
CQS‑4236 Starting and running a LiveView fragment in Studio would show four to eight lines in red that begin with "error (fragment deploy)" but reported a benign error. This was corrected.
CQS‑4131, CQS-4130 Upgrading Live Datamart 2.x projects with operatorParameters and pluginFunctions to Live Datamart 10.x created incorrect HOCON configurations in the ldmengine.conf file. This was fixed.
CQS‑4045 Live Datamart 10.x supported client connections to TLS/SSL-enabled LiveView servers, with restrictions. 10.2.0 now supports configuration for TLS/SSL servers with client certificates. See Using TLS/SSL with LiveView Server for configuration information.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.1.1

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.1.1 is a maintenance release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document, and corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.1.1 inherits all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.0 as well as the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.7.

Number Resolution
CQS‑3985 LiveView configurations could not include any Kafka adapters in their publishers or data sources, as this introduced incompatible dependency versions. This issue was fixed.
CQS‑3961 In release 10.1.0, LiveView subdirectories located under a LiveView project's src/main/liveview/lv-user-webapps folder were not displayed in Studio's Project Explorer view, though they were visible on disk. This behavior was changed so that subdirectories under src/main/liveview/lv-user-webapps are now displayed in the Project Explorer view.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.1.0

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.1.0 is a new release that reintroduces Live Datamart to the StreamBase 10 product line. This release's updates and enhancements are described in its New and Noteworthy document, and also corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.1.0 inherits all fixes on the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.7.

Number Resolution
SB‑29176 Previously the LiveView Delete adapter required the predicate to start with a boolean expression. This was fixed.

Fixed in Live Datamart 2.2.2

TIBCO® Live Datamart 2.2.2 is a maintenance release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document. Live Datamart 2.2.2 inherits all fixes on the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.8.

Number Resolution
CQS‑4059 The LiveView Publisher wizard could create a broken publisher. This was corrected.
CQS‑4224 The LiveView server's System Table log files that are created in a directory name lv-profile in the Studio project's out directory are now automatically pruned.
CQS‑4157 LiveView Desktop was updated to provide support for sending the LiveView username and session ID with send tuple actions.
CQS‑3604 The LVconf Editor was updated to allow <table-delete-rule> elements.

Fixed in Live Datamart 2.2.1

TIBCO® Live Datamart 2.2.1 is a maintenance release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document. Live Datamart 2.2.0 inherits all fixes on the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.7.

Number Resolution
CQS‑4083 The LiveView JavaScript API was forcibly using the path /lv/streaming when connecting to LiveView Server for updates. This URL setting provided during connect() operations was not correctly leveraged to generate the proper transport URL. This was corrected.
CQS‑4069, CQS‑4057, CQS‑4037 If an alert's QueryConfig was set with a query string, it was silently ignored and the alerts were not set properly as expected. This was fixed.
CQS‑4061 In some cases, a cron alert could be set without any authorization specified. The issue was resolved; when setting permissions for cron-based alerts (as opposed to query-based alerts), only cron keyword and one of the operation settings are considered. The third setting, the table name, is ignored for cron alerts.
CQS‑4009 In previous releases, it was possible when using the dynamic table creation API to use a LiveView reserved word as the name of a new table. This was corrected such that reserved words are prohibited for dynamically created table names.
CQS‑3859 Issues with timestamp fields in JDBC tables were fixed.
CQS‑3860 This releases fixes an issue that improves support for the JDBC CLOB data type.

Fixed in Live Datamart 2.2.0

TIBCO® Live Datamart 2.2.0 is a new release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document. Live Datamart 2.2.0 inherits all fixes on the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.7.

Number Resolution
CQS‑3713 An error caused lv://localhost/ to emit a 404 error. The URI now supports IDN and several bugs were fixed regarding URI handling. Also, the connection signature changed compared to Live Datamart 2.1.x and your signature may require upgrading.