Live Datamart Resolved Issues

The following tables list resolved issues for each TIBCO® Live Datamart release.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.3.0

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.3.0 is a major release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document, and corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.3.0 inherits all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.4.

Number Resolution
CQS‑4468 Queries to configured StreamBase query tables previously could only use a projection of "*". Now any simple StreamBase expression using table field names can be used.
CQS‑4459 The Alert delete action did not previously support field substitution. This was fixed so both the table and predicate support field substitution.
CQS‑4421 Continuous LiveQL queries with a predicate that used an indexed field in an equality equation to a constant expression would get an exception. Note that constant literal values in the same equation work fine. This issue was fixed.
CQS‑4412 Using the JavaScript API, when querying a table provided by a StreamBase query table provider, deletes made in the query table might not be seen by the JavaScript API client. This was fixed. Note that no other Live Datamart client API had this issue.
CQS‑4346, CQS‑4345 There was an incorrect performance optimization with time-windowed queries, where only queries using the same continuous query index would be correctly evaluated. This could result in delayed time-based add or remove events being dropped. This was fixed.
CQS‑4268 The LiveView Server would allow both SNAPSHOT_AND_CONTINUOUS or CONTINUOUS queries to tables that did not have those capabilities. This was fixed. Clients that send either of these two query types to tables that do not have these capabilities will now see an error exception.
CQS‑4252 Previously, it was possible to query a system table and retrieve information users did not have rights to. Now, selecting the LVTables system table correctly hides tables without the list permissions.
CQS‑4243 The LiveView JavaScript Client API could fail when calling a synchronous sendTuple method concurrently multiple times within a single session. This was fixed.
CQS‑4238 LiveView Desktop would issue SNAPSHOT_AND_CONTINUOUS queries to tables that did not have this capability. This was fixed so that LiveView Desktop sends SNAPSHOT queries to tables that only have the SNAPSHOT capability.
SB‑43440 Time stamp simple expressions in a query projection that resolve to null could return incorrect data. This was fixed.
SB‑41644 LiveView adapters that shared a connection could briefly have a different view of the connected state, whether they were connected or not. One adapter might report a connected status, while a tuple sent to the input port of another adapter might fail because the adapter reported it was not currently connected. This was fixed.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.2.1

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.2.1 is a maintenance release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document, and corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.2.1 inherits all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.2.

Release 10.2.1 does not contain any new fixes or corrections beyond what is described above.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.2.0

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.2.0 is a major release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document, and corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.2.0 inherits all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.1.

Number Resolution
CQS‑4236 Starting and running a LiveView fragment in Studio would show four to eight lines in red that begin with "error (fragment deploy)" but reported a benign error. This was corrected.
CQS‑4131, CQS-4130 Upgrading Live Datamart 2.x projects with operatorParameters and pluginFunctions to Live Datamart 10.x created incorrect HOCON configurations in the ldmengine.conf file. This was fixed.
CQS‑4045 Live Datamart 10.x supported client connections to TLS/SSL-enabled LiveView servers, with restrictions. 10.2.0 now supports configuration for TLS/SSL servers with client certificates. See Using TLS/SSL with LiveView Server for configuration information.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.1.1

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.1.1 is a maintenance release with updates and enhancements as described in its New and Noteworthy document, and corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.1.1 inherits all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.0.

Number Resolution
CQS‑3985 LiveView configurations could not include any Kafka adapters in their publishers or data sources, as this introduced incompatible dependency versions. This issue was fixed.
CQS‑3961 In release 10.1.0, LiveView subdirectories located under a LiveView project's src/main/liveview/lv-user-webapps folder were not displayed in Studio's Project Explorer view, though they were visible on disk. This behavior was changed so that subdirectories under src/main/liveview/lv-user-webapps are now displayed in the Project Explorer view.

Fixed in Live Datamart 10.1.0

TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.1.0 is a new release that reintroduces Live Datamart to the StreamBase 10 product line. This release's updates and enhancements are described in its New and Noteworthy document, and also corrections for issues as described in the following table.

Live Datamart 10.1.0 inherits all fixes on the 2.1.x release branch through 2.1.7.

Number Resolution
SB‑29176 Previously the LiveView Delete adapter required the predicate to start with a boolean expression. This was fixed.