
StreamBase Monitor — starts the StreamBase Monitor utility


sbmonitor [OPTION]


sbmonitor is a command-line utility that shows information about the current status and performance of a running StreamBase application. The information shown includes the number of tuples processed by each box, the percentage of CPU time consumed by each box, and the percentage of CPU time consumed by each thread. sbmonitor presents a character-based display that contains the same statistics as the graphical display of the sbmanager command.

While sbmonitor is running, type one of the following letters to control the display and to see help text for the data columns.


Toggles container names on and off in the Name column of the Operators, Profile, and Queues views. When monitoring a single-container application where the only container is named default, you can toggle container names off for a cleaner presentation. When monitoring an application with more than one container, leave container names enabled.

H or ?

Replaces the bottom part of the screen with help text. Press H or ? again to see the second and subsequent pages of help text. Type Q to exit help mode and return to the view you were in.


Toggles the bottom part of the screen between Threads view, Queues view, Streams, and Sync Threads views. Threads view is the default on sbmonitor startup.


Toggles the top part of the screen between Operators view and Profile view. Operators view is the default on sbmonitor startup.


Enables and disables column-sort mode for the Operators view. In column-sort mode, which is enabled by default, use the left and right arrow keys to select another column heading. The display automatically re-sorts based on the selected column. Type S to exit column sort mode.


Toggles screen updating on and off. In an active monitoring session with many constantly updating rows, it can be hard to follow a single row across. Press U to temporarily disable screen updating; press U again to restore screen updates. This toggle does not affect the running application, only the screen display.


Exits sbmonitor back to the terminal prompt, or exits the H help text screen.


-h, --help

Displays usage text, then exits.


Shows a description of the columns.

-u URI

Sets the URI of the StreamBase Server. The default is sb://localhost:10000/. The URI can also be set using the STREAMBASE_SERVER environment variable. See the sburi page of the Reference Guide (or see sburi(5) at the UNIX shell prompt) for a discussion of the URI format and its shortcuts.

-p TCP-port

Sets the port number only for the StreamBase Server. Useful when the server is localhost and you only need to specify a non-default port, instead of specifying the full URI with the -u option. The default port is 10000.


The -p option is not supported for applications that have StreamBase authentication enabled (because there is no way to specify a username and password) or in conjunction with the multiple URI syntax.


Prints version information and exits.


There is no configuration file for sbmonitor.



Optional. Contains the URI for a StreamBase Server instance. Use this variable to set a default StreamBase URI for StreamBase commands that take the -u option. If set, commands use the URI in this variable, overriding their built-in default URI, which is sb://localhost:10000. If this variable is set, you must use the -u option to communicate with any server other than the one specified in this variable. See the sburi page in the Reference Guide for more on StreamBase URIs.


Optional. If set to any value, StreamBase programs assign a terminal window title to match the name of the executable being run. By default terminal titles are not affected.

