LiveView system tables provide information about your LiveView Server instance. This section describes the standard set of LiveView system tables, listed in the order used by the lv-client listtables command.
All system tables have one or more internal columns whose names generally begin with CQS
. End-user developers must never change the contents of these internal columns. Internal columns are not shown on this page,
and are not shown by default in the output of lv-client listtable tablename
. You can see the internal columns by appending -a
to an lv-client command: lv-client listtable tablename
The LVSessionPublishers contains session publisher statistics information; its columns are described in the following table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
PID | long | Publisher ID. |
SID | string | Session ID. |
User | string | User name for this session. User will always be null instead of blank ('') unless Authentication is used. |
ClientInfo | string | Browser client identification unless overridden by connection settings. |
TableName | string | Name of the table published to. |
Publisher | string | Table publisher-supplied identifying text. |
LastPublishedID | long | Table publisher-supplied ID. |
TotalPublished | long | Total tuples published since server start. |
Created | timestamp | When this publisher session started. |
LastPublish | timestamp | When the last published tuple was sent. |
PublishedPerSecond | double | Number of tuples per second published. |
The LVTables table contains information about all tables (system and data) in a given project.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Name | string | The name of the table. |
TableGroup | string | The full group the table belongs to. |
ShortDescription | string | Short description of the table. |
Description | string | Full description of the table. |
TableSpace | string | The name of table space that the table is part of. |
Capabilities | string | The capabilities of this table, in a comma-delimited list, including the types of queries that are supported (continuous or not, TopN, Time-windowed), and whether the table supports alert rules and deletion. |
QueryLanguages | string | The query languages that the table supports. Possible values are LiveView and SQL. |
isEnabled | bool | True if this row's table is enabled; false otherwise. |
Indices | string | Comma- and semicolon-separated list of indexes in the table. The first index listed is always the primary key. |
StatusENUM | string | Enum whose values describe the current status of this table. |
StatusMessage | string | Message describing this table's current status. |
IsSystemTable | bool | True if this is a system table. |
CreateTime | timestamp | The time this table was created, which is not necessarily the time it was last started. |
Filter | string | Predicate filter on the base table. |
NumServers | int | Number of remote servers backing the table in the server pool. |
RejectedServers | int | Number of remote servers rejected for backing the table in the server pool because of schema mismatch. |
The LVSessions table contains session information including remote host and recent activity. The columns are described in the following table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
SID | string | Session ID. |
User | string | User name for this session. User will always be null instead of blank ('') unless Authentication is used. |
Host | string | The Host IP for this session. |
QueryCount | int | The total number of queries from this session. |
LastRequestTime | timestamp | The last time the session communicated with the server. |
LastRequest | string | The last request made from this session. |
ClientInfo | string | Browser client identification unless overridden by connection settings. |
Created | timestamp | The time this session was created. |
Type | string | The protocol type for this session. |
SessionTimeout | long | The quiescent period before this session will be closed. |
The LVSessionQueries table contains session query information, including predicate and performance information. The columns are described in the following table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
SID | string | Session ID. |
User | string | User name for this session. User will always be null instead of blank ('') unless Authentication is used. |
ClientInfo | string | Browser client identification unless overridden by connection settings. |
QID | int | Query ID. |
Type | string | Type of query (snapshot, continuous, or snapshot and continuous). |
TableName | string | The table specified in the query. |
Projection | string | The projection portion of the query. |
PredicateExpression | string | The predicate portion of the query. |
EndOfSnapshot | bool | Boolean indicating whether the snapshot is complete. |
SnapshotTime | long | Number of milliseconds the snapshot took. |
Exception | string | Last exception text, if any. |
SnapshotAdds | int | Number of tuples added during snapshot. |
Added | int | Number of tuples added. |
Updated | int | Number of tuples updated. |
Removed | int | Number of tuples removed. |
Sent | int | Number of tuples sent. |
Pending | int | Number of tuples waiting to be sent. |
RemoteServer | string | The remote server this query was sent to, if applicable. |
The LVTableColumns table contains information about all table columns in a given project.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
TableName | string | The name of the table that contains this column. |
ColumnName | string | The name of this column. |
Type | string | Data type of this column. |
ShortName | string | Short name of this column that appears in the column headings. |
Description | string | The full description of this column. |
The LVAlerts table contains information about alerts in a project.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
AlertKey | string | A string identifier for an alert rule, generated by the server at the time that the alert actions are executed |
AlertRuleID | long | ID number of this alert rule. |
SourceInternalID | long | LiveView internal ID of the source table. |
SourceTable | string | The name the LiveView data table against which the alert conditions are checked. |
AlertRuleName | string | Name assigned to this alert. |
Created | timestamp | When this alert was created. |
LastModified | timestamp | When this alert was last modified. |
Severity | int | Severity value integer, which can be 1 (Low), 3 (Medium), and 5 (High). The default value is 3 (Medium). |
Recipient | string | The username of an intended recipient of the alert. The default is "*" to indicate "anyone". |
Message | string | The default notification message for the alert. |
Payload | string | A LiveQL query predicate specifying data conditions in the specified table. When the predicate evaluation changes from false to true, the alert fires. |
The LVAlertRulesStatus contains information about the current status of alert rules that have fired.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
AlertRuleID | long | ID of the alert rule that fired. |
Name | string | Name of the alert that fired. |
LastFired | timestamp | The last time this alert fired. |
AlertsPerMinute | int | Number of alerts that occurred in the last minute. |
Enabled | bool | Whether or not this rule will fire when triggered; the default value is true. |
Status | string | The current status of this alert. |
The LiveViewStatistics table has five columns that present diagnostic information about each table in a project, plus one column for the table's name. The columns are described in the following table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
TableName | string | Name of the LiveView table. |
RecordCount | long | Number of rows in the LiveView table named in the previous field. |
InboundTuplesPerSec | int | The rate, in tuples per second, that data is being published to the specified table. |
TotalQueuedTuples | int | The total number of tuples waiting in queues that need to be processed. |
MBMemoryUsed | int | Approximate number of megabytes the specified table currently consumes. |
TotalTuplesPublished | long | The total number of tuples sent to the specified table, including updates and inserts. |