Package Explorer View

StreamBase Studio's SB Authoring perspective includes the Package Explorer view for navigating projects. When you create a new StreamBase project with FileNewStreamBase Project, or by clicking the New StreamBase Project button () in the toolbar, that project is placed in the Package Explorer as a folder.

Project Resources

Each project folder contains your StreamBase application files and any resource files required by your applications. Your project folders can include the following types of files:

  • EventFlow application files, with .sbapp extension.

  • EventFlow layout information files, with .sblayout extension.

  • StreamSQL application files, with .ssql extension.

  • StreamBase Interface files, with .sbint extension.

  • StreamBase deployment files, with .sbdeploy extension.

  • StreamBase Server configuration files, with .sbconf extension.

  • Precompiled application archive files, with .sbar extension.

  • Feed Simulation control files, with .sbfs extension.

  • Data files, such as CSV files, that provide input tuples for feed simulations.

  • StreamBase Test configuration files, with .sbtest extension.

  • Recording files, with .sbrec extension. These contain recordings of running StreamBase applications that capture data streamed onto the application's input streams.

  • Folders named java-src and JRE System Library. These folders are inherited from Eclipse, and serve as source folders for the root of packages containing Java files. Library folders contain JARs and classes.

  • The folder StreamBase Client, if you added Client API support to the project's Java Build Path.

  • The folder StreamBase Test Support, if you added support for either StreamBase Tests or StreamBase JUnit Tests to the project's Java Build Path.

  • The folder JUnit4, if you added support for StreamBase JUnit Tests to the project's Java Build Path.

  • Custom library files, including DLL, .so, and JAR files, that contain custom functions, operators, and adapters.

Folders on the module search path and resource search path are decorated with an overlay icon.

You are free to import or create files other than those we have listed, and to create folders in your project to organize your resources as you need to.

Context Menus

The standard Eclipse context menus (the right-click menus) are available for each file and most folders in the Package Explorer. Some StreamBase-specific commands are also available, and appear according to the currently selected file type. Commands that are not StreamBase-specific perform the standard Eclipse functions.

  • New

    This context menu duplicates the top-level FileNew menu.

  • Open

    Opens the selected file in the Editor area of the SB Authoring perspective, using the default associated editor. StreamBase provides a number of specialized editors for different file types.

  • Open With

    Opens the selected file using an editor that you specify. A submenu presents a list of options appropriate for the selected file type. The option list might include:

    • Text Editor: the standard Eclipse text editor.

    • System Editor: an editor associated with this file type on your system, if defined.

    • Default Editor: the editor associated with this file type in StreamBase Studio.

  • StreamBase

    The StreamBase menu appears in the context menu for certain StreamBase resources, and displays a submenu with commands appropriate for that resource. These include:

    • Project folder selected

      Open StreamBase Command Prompt Here

      Opens a StreamBase Command Prompt window, with current directory set to the workspace location of the selected project. Appears on Windows versions of Studio only.

      Open StreamBase Command Shell Here

      Opens a terminal window with current directory set to the workspace location of the selected project. Appears on Linux versions of Studio only.

      Add Project Server Configuration File

      Creates a new server configuration file for the selected project. You can optionally populate the file with default settings.

      Refresh Typecheck Environment

      Forces detection and resynchronization of resources in your workspace that are needed for typechecking. This is useful when typechecking does not automatically occur, such as when you make changes to Java source files.

    • Project subfolder selected

      Add to Resource Search Path / Remove from Resource Search Path

      Adds or removes the selected subfolder from the resource search path of the containing project folder. If the selected subfolder is already in the resource search path, the Add to is seen as Remove from.

      Add to Module Search Path / Remove from Module Search Path

      Adds or removes the selected subfolder from the module search path of the containing project folder. If the selected subfolder is already in the module search path, the Add to is seen as Remove from.

    • EventFlow module file (.sbapp file) selected

      Convert to StreamSQL

      Generates a StreamSQL file with the same functionality as the EventFlow application, and opens the new file in the StreamSQL Editor.

      Clean File

      Initiates a clean and rebuild of the selected EventFlow module file. Building a StreamBase module normally occurs in the background for small and medium-sized applications and completes quickly. However, for large applications with many interlocking module references, building the entire application can take a noticeable amount of time. In these cases, use this option to build only the selected EventFlow module.

      Export Application Bundle

      Opens the StreamBase Export dialog used to generate a StreamBase application bundle file, normally used to deploy an application and all its resources on another computer. See Application Bundling.

      EventFlow LayoutExtract to Layout file

      Removes layout information from the EventFlow file and saves it in an associated .sblayout file of the same name in the same folder. Updates an existing .sblayout file, or creates a new one if none exists. See EventFlow Layout Options for details.

      EventFlow LayoutDiscard

      Removes layout information from the selected EventFlow file and discards it.

    • StreamSQL module file (.ssql file) selected

      Export Application Bundle

      Opens the StreamBase Export dialog used to generate a StreamBase application bundle file, normally used to deploy an application and all its resources on another computer. See Application Bundling.

  • Run Feed Simulation

    This command is available in the context menu of a Feed Simulation file (.sbfs file) when an application is running. It is dimmed under all other conditions.

  • Stop Feed Simulation, Pause or Resume Feed Simulation

    Available in the context menu of a Feed Simulation file (.sbfs file) that is currently running.

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