Resolved Issues Archive

This page lists issues resolved in past releases of TIBCO Live Datamart and TIBCO StreamBase® LiveView Desktop.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.7

StreamBase LiveView 1.5.7 is a maintenance release.

Number Resolution
CQS‑2482 Continuous queries against tables with more than 100 fields where moderate to high data rates were delivered to clients showed poor performance. This was fixed.
CQS‑2422 Queries of type snapshot and continuous with query predicates that have index equality terms on more then one index that were issued against tables with multiple secondary indices could miss continuous data updates. (The snapshot portion of the query is always correct.) This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.6

LiveView 1.5.6 is a maintenance release.

Number Resolution
CQS‑2153 The snapshot portion of a snapshot and continuous dynamic aggregation query could return incorrect results when the LiveView table was very large (on order of a million rows) and had snapshot-parallelism enabled. Subsequent continuous updates were correct and snapshot-only queries were always correct. This was fixed; snapshot and continuous aggregation queries against very large tables with snapshot-parallelism enabled now return correct results.
CQS‑2152 Dynamic aggregation queries that had a continuous portion did not remove all state from the system when the query was closed, which sometimes caused heap accretion over time. This was fixed.
CQS‑2095 When starting LiveView server from the command line, the --liveview-port option to set a non-default LiveView server port was accepted but ignored, and the default port (10080) was always used. This was fixed.
CQS‑2052 Update rules that specified the _ArrivalTime could overwrite a tuple's timestamp field, causing issues with queries that used the ordering of tuples by arrival time. This behavior was changed. There are three allowed actions for time-order violation, based upon the configuration of the liveview.updateRule.onTimeOrderViolation field:
  • liveview.updateRule.onTimeOrderViolation=KeepTuple (default): The tuple passes through unchanged and logged as a WARN message.

  • liveview.updateRule.onTimeOrderViolation=DropTuple:The tuple is dropped and logged as a WARN message

  • liveview.updateRule.onTimeOrderViolation=CorrectTuple: The tuple is corrected by using the old time stamp and logged as a WARN message.

CQS‑1889 The Saved Query functionality in LiveView Desktop did not save charting views to the Recent Queries node. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.5

LiveView 1.5.5 is a maintenance release.

Number Resolution
CQS‑2092 In previous releases of the LiveView .NET client, when a tuple was removed from a query result, the tuple id was returned. This was changed; the id and and contents of the removed tuple are now returned when a tuple is removed from a query result.
CQS‑2050 In previous releases, LiveView server would accept top-N queries that were of type CONTINUOUS only. This was changed; top-N queries that are CONTINUOUS only are now rejected with an error. Use SNAPSHOT_AND_CONTINUOUS for the query type when using top-N queries.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.4

LiveView 1.5.4 is a maintenance release.

Number Resolution
CQS‑1994 Certain complex query predicates caused mis-registering of continuous query plans, which could result in some continuous queries not delivering all the expected rows. This was fixed.
CQS‑1335 If a LiveView data table had large queue backups, clients would register and unregister a query before the query actually started. In previous releases, the query was then executed, even though no output was ever sent to the client. In the current release, such queries do not execute.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.3

LiveView 1.5.3 is a maintenance release.

Number Resolution
CQS‑1928 Under some conditions where a table row was deleted from a source table or the data rate for the source table was very high, static aggregation of averages could return NaN. This was fixed.
CQS‑1925 Panopticon Designer sometimes did not correctly parse LiveView Desktop query predicates if there was a previously configured Panopticon Workbook setting. This was changed so that a query predicate sent from LiveView Desktop always overrides the Panopticon Workbook settings.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.2

LiveView 1.5.2 is a maintenance release.

Number Resolution
CQS‑1878 Under some conditions, Panopticon Workbooks did not load and LiveView returned the error message Interval must be > 0. This was fixed.
CQS‑1845 Dynamic aggregation results could be miscalculated when rows leaving the query scope also changed groups. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.1

Number Resolution
CQS‑1837 Valid queries that failed to compile sometimes caused excessive error logging. This was fixed.
CQS‑1835 Queries with aggregate functions could return incorrect aggregate results if the query predicate caused rows to leave scope. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.5.0

Number Resolution
CQS‑1739 The QueryParser did not accept quoted strings that contained reserved words or certain special characters. This was fixed. A quoted string as delimited by the outermost set of single or double quotes may now contain reserved words. In addition, unpaired quotes, such as apostrophes, may now be used inside a double-quoted string, or double quotes may now be used inside a single-quoted string.

Fixed in LiveView 1.4.6

Number Resolution
CQS‑1902 In previous releases, when an alert was configured with a time delay, if the alert conditions remained true for longer than the configured time delay LiveView Server would sometimes incorrectly fire alert actions for each instance of the time delay elapsed. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.4.5

Number Resolution
CQS‑1847 In previous releases, when an embedded publisher recovered data from a persisted table, the end the recovery process was not clearly marked. Now, when recovery is complete, an end-of-set tuple (called a punctuation tuple) is emitted from the data stream TheLastGoodRecordIn. See Persistence and Recovery for more information about using persisted data with embedded publishers.

Fixed in LiveView 1.4.4

Number Resolution
CQS‑1786 Certain complex queries with multiple nested AND and OR terms could result in long query planning time. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.4.3

Number Resolution
CQS‑1784 Certain patterns of querying that used dynamic aggregation (an undocumented feature not used in most deployments) could exhaust JVM PermGen space in the LiveView server. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.4.2

Number Resolution
CQS‑1773 Under some circumstances, if a query used dynamic aggregation (not a fully documented and supported feature in LiveView 1.4) and the query was unsubscribed, the query results would continue returning even though the query was no longer executing. This was fixed.
SB‑24708 LiveView Server sometimes emitted a large number of log messages for queries with many disjunctive clauses. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.4.1

Number Resolution
CQS‑1741 LiveView 1.4 startup sometimes reached the 64kB limit for some projects. This was fixed.
CQS‑1712 When using the .NET API, LiveView previously threw an exception if a timeout occurred while a LiveView connection attempted to dequeue data from a LiveView Server. This was fixed. Instead, a ConnectionConfig.ConnectionEvent is fired with an EventType of ConnectionEventArgs.ConnectionEventType.CONNECTION_LOST. Upon receiving this event, an application regards the connection as no longer valid and a new LiveViewConnection is created.
CQS‑1699 Continuous queries that used CQSInternalID in the predicate incorrectly threw an error. This was fixed.
CQS‑1668 Sometimes exceptions happened when LiveView Server was launched with table-level update rules. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.4.0

Number Resolution
CQS‑1681 In previous releases, deletion of rows in LiveView tables did not also delete corresponding rows in ID chaining tables. This was changed; rows in ID chaining tables are now deleted. Deletions should be performed only when the affected rows are quiescent; simultaneous deletions and updates may result in inconsistent data.
CQS‑1662 A configured data source application for a LiveView data table could sometimes publish data before the connection to the table was ready. This could result in some data being dropped. This was fixed.
CQS‑1633 In some cases, the Publish Alert dialog would render table field names incorrectly. This was fixed.
CQS‑1625 In some cases, if a LiveView project contained a StreamSQL application with comments the project would fail to compile. This was fixed.
CQS‑1457 LiveView projects with applications that used the StreamBase Thomson Reuters TREP-RT adapter would sometime fail to start correctly. This was fixed.
CQS‑598 You cannot use insert-rule and update-rule in fields that are declared a primary key. In some cases, doing this did not immediately throw an error. This was fixed; if you try to use an insert-rule or an update-rule on a field that is designated a primary key, LiveView throws an error.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.7

Number Resolution
CQS‑1730 Tables with conflation configured via the publish-interval-millis attribute sometimes published data in the incorrect state to a client if the client query was delayed. This was fixed.
CQS‑1712 When using the .NET API, LiveView previously threw an exception if a timeout occurred while a LiveView connection attempted to dequeue data from a LiveView Server. This was fixed. Instead, a ConnectionConfig.ConnectionEvent is fired with an EventType of ConnectionEventArgs.ConnectionEventType.CONNECTION_LOST. Upon receiving this event, an application regards the connection as no longer valid and a new LiveViewConnection is created.
CQS‑1699 Continuous queries that used CQSInternalID in the predicate incorrectly threw an error. This was fixed.
CQS‑1668 Sometimes exceptions happened when LiveView Server was launched with table-level update rules. This was fixed.
CQS‑1651 Certain configurations of aggregate tables with multiple data sources caused LiveView Server startup to fail with a compilation error. This was fixed.
SB‑24708 LiveView Server sometimes emitted a large number of log messages for queries with many disjunctive clauses. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.6

Number Resolution
CQS‑1642 In some cases, LiveView Server could not use the Azul Zing JVM. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.5

LiveView 1.3.5 is a maintenance release with feature enhancements only. See New Features and Updates in LiveView 1.3.5.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.4

Number Resolution
CQS‑1626 Special cases of advanced aggregations did not handle null values. This was fixed.
CQS‑1622 The documentation for Running LiveView Server as a Windows Service used the wrong name for the Hello LiveView sample project directory. The correct name for the directory is lv-sample-helloliveview. This was fixed in the documentation.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.3

Number Resolution
CQS‑1607 Certain advanced aggregations did not correctly handle null values. This was fixed.
CQS‑1408 LiveView Server did not correctly report sequence numbers to publishers if the table configuration file had the publish-interval-millis tag set. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.2

Number Resolution
CQS‑1472 The MaxRecordsLimit value caused dynamic aggregation results to be truncated based on the number of parallel regions. This was fixed.
CQS‑1445 In some cases, actions executed from a timeseries graph would not run. This was fixed.
CQS‑1408 LiveView Server did not correctly report sequence numbers to publishers if the table configuration file had the publish-interval-millis tag set. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.1

Number Resolution
CQS‑1347 Persisted data was sometimes not republished during recovery. This caused incorrect aggregate results after recovery. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.3.0

Number Resolution
CQS‑1240 When the LiveView Server was shutdown, the .NET Client API would generate an unhandled exception. This was fixed.
CQS‑1163 When the .NET Client API lost its connection to a running LiveView Server, the client instance would crash. This was fixed.
CQS‑1035 In previous releases, if you tried to start LiveView Server on a port that already had an SBD process running, the launch would fail without a clear error message and kill the SBD process. Now, the launch will exit gracefully with a "Port already in use" error and the extant SBD process will keep running.
CQS‑612 LiveView Server would sometimes send the message All tables have been loaded. LiveView is ready to accept client connections before all of the project containers were running. This was fixed.
CQS‑407 If there was a schema mismatch between client and server in a dynamic aggregation query, LiveView Server would fail to send error messages to the client. This was fixed.
CQS‑279 A SNAPSHOT query with many parameters being evaluated against an IN operator would run too slowly. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.2.2

Number Resolution
CQS‑1147 LiveView 1.2.2 Desktop now uses dictionary sort order for table grid-view sorting. In previous versions of LiveView, if you performed an ascending sort on a string field, you would see "AT&T" before "Abbot." In LiveView 1.2.2 the same sort will return "Abbot" before "AT&T."
CQS‑1145 The avg function, when applied to a field with a nonstring group key, sometimes produced an incorrect result. This was fixed.
CQS‑1138 SNAPSHOT_AND_CONTINUOUS queries to tables configured for periodic publishing sometimes had multiple copies of the same updates in the snapshot and continuous results. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.2.0

Number Resolution
CQS‑638 In previous LiveView releases, multiple tables in the same LiveView instance could not share configured alert rules. You can now also share an alert rule configuration across multiple tables in the same LiveView instance or across multiple LiveView instances. Contact StreamBase Systems Technical Support for further information.
CQS‑575 The .NET class LiveViewConnectionFactory now has a new method, GetBackgroundConnection(), which allows you to spawn a background task that keeps retrying connections until successful. This functionality is implemented using a subclass of System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker for convenience.
CQS‑598 In previous LiveView releases generated project files were always saved to the lv-bin directory in the main project folder. You can now specify where generated project files are saved. Contact StreamBase Systems Technical Support for further information.
CQS‑445 You can use the new CQSDataUpdatePredicate field of a preprocessor's DataIn stream to update multiple rows of a table based on a query predicate.
CQS‑392 If the connection from LiveView Desktop to LiveView Server was lost, the FileConnect to Server option did not re-enable. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.1.3

Number Resolution
CQS‑760 When a table was configured as the source for multiple levels of aggregation and a null value for an aggregation key was published to the source table, the null value was sometimes not propagated correctly to all levels of aggregation. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.1.2

Number Resolution
CQS‑764 LiveView queries that used StreamBase Expression Language functions and features did not return rows or returned syntax errors. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.1.1

Number Resolution
CQS‑688 Some out-of-scope messages were not being issued consistently. This was fixed.
CQS‑678 Customers may create tables with more fields than they could in previous LiveView releases.
CQS‑662 Some aggregation queries returned incorrect results. This was fixed.
CQS‑658 Some queries that used IN or OR against an indexed table field did not correctly match all field values. This was fixed.
CQS‑657 LiveView would sometimes not correctly compile tables in the LiveView sample projects. This was fixed.
CQS‑656 Some queries against multi-key fields returned incorrect results. This was fixed.

Fixed in LiveView 1.1.0

Number Resolution
CQS‑622 When a record was deleted, the signal to delete the record could be sent to a client whose query predicate the record does not satisfy. This issue was fixed.
CQS‑595 Queries that used the less-than-or-equal-to operator (<=) were not returning expected results. The cause was identified and corrected.
CQS‑594 Under some circumstances, the results of a continuous query could include an incorrect deletion of a record; in client views, the record was incorrectly deleted or, after an update, contained a subset of the field values. This issue was fixed.
CQS‑561 When a row update to a data table changed the value of a field used to group rows in a downstream aggregation table, live queries on that aggregation table could receive an extra deletion event from the server. That event included a reference to a nonexistent (null) tuple. This was corrected.
CQS‑541 Background images for the Workbook Viewer in LiveView Desktop were failing to display. This was corrected by updating to Panopticon version 5.10.
CQS‑528 When a new record and its first update arrived into an aggregation table in the same publishing cycle, the LiveView conflation mechanism was causing an incorrect update to LiveView clients. Re-querying the data by restarting LiveView Desktop or using a snapshot query showed the correct results. This issue was fixed.
CQS‑440 In previous releases of LiveView Desktop, if you configured a default column set for a table, then started a query from a right-click action, the default column set failed to apply. This was corrected.
CQS‑162 The LiveView IN function with over 1000 parameters was throwing a ClassFormatError, or was processing slowly. The cause was identified and corrected in StreamBase 7.2.5.