Spotfire® for Apple iOS

Furnishing analysis links that open directly in the app

You can easily create a link to your analysis, and then e-mail it or post it on your favorite social media. Mobile device users can open the link by tapping it on the device.

Before you begin

You must have the name of the analysis, and the analysis must be in a library directory that is available to the person with whom you are sharing it.


  1. Share library folder with the appropriate audience.
    For more information about sharing, see the Spotfire® Analyst or Spotfire Business Author help topics.
  2. Share the link with the appropriate audience.
  3. In the Share Analysis dialog box, preface the analysis URL with one of the following.
    • spotfireapphttp:// if your server does not use encryption.
    • spotfireapphttps:// if your server uses encryption.
  4. Copy the link and paste it into either your e-mail message or social media post.
    Note: Some applications, such as browser-based Gmail, automatically create the link that omits the required text spotfireapp. If you use such an application and see this behavior, we recommend that you copy the entire text and paste it into the browser address box. You are then prompted to open the analysis in the app.