Change the engine type in a cluster

The TERR engine is maintained and deployed automatically by the server. The compressed file containing the engine resides in the SPSERVER_SHARE/data/binaries directory, where it can be referenced and updated easily.

The compressed engine types by operating system include the following.

Windows UNIX/Linux TERREngine.tar.gz

You can specify any of the engine types described in the following table. If you are using an engine other than those maintained and deployed by the server, you must install them explicitly on the machines where they are used. You must download and maintain the open-source R engine separately.

Important: Remember that when installing and configuring Spotfire Statistics Services to use a statistical engine, consider the configurations and strategies to restrict access. See Recommendations for safeguarding your environment for detailed information.
Note: Open-source R is available under separate open source software license terms and is not part of TERR. As such, open-source R is not within the scope of your license for TERR. Open-source R is not supported, maintained, or warranted in any way by TIBCO Software Inc. Download and use of open-source R is solely at your own discretion and subject to the free open source license terms applicable to open-source R.
Engine Type Description
TERR TERR engine. The default. Provided with your Spotfire Statistics Services installation.
R Open-source R engine. Use this engine if developers are deploying R packages to the service, and the packages contain R code that will not run in TERR. Requires additional steps. See Configuring an open-source R engine for more information.
Note: In Spotfire Statistics Services 10.10.1, open-source R is configurable.
SAS SAS® engine. Requires additional steps. See Configuring a SAS engine for more information.
MATLAB MATLAB® engine. Requires additional steps. See Configuring a MATLAB engine for more information.

By default, engine.type is set to TERR. To specify a different engine type, set the engine.type property in the file SPSERVER_SHARE/conf/

Note: You must specify only one engine type per cluster.

See Server properties for more information about setting properties.

When the server starts, the engine is unpacked and copied from its location in the SPSERVER_SHARE/data/binaries directory, and then deployed to each node in the cluster. If you update or change the engine.type property, you must restart the server to initiate the deployment.