Specify engine count for the manager node

The engine count is the number of engines configured on Spotfire Statistics Services to handle engine-related requests.

When you install a Manager node, this value is set to zero. If you want your Manager node to be able to process jobs, you can assign processing resources by setting the -Dengine.count Java runtime system property. You should always leave at least one processor free for administrative tasks in the Manager node.

When you install a Worker node, the engine count is set to the number of cores in the server.

  • To specify the engine count on Windows, using Procrun, set -Dengine.count to the desired value.

    For example, -Dengine.count=4. See Monitor the service for more information.

  • To specify the engine count on UNIX/Linux, in SPSERVER_SHARE/init.d/spserver, modify the value of SPSERVER_ENGINES.