Using Procrun to modify a Java property

On Windows, for managing Spotfire Statistics Services, you can add or modify a Java property using Procrun.


Before performing this task, stop the service. You must have administrative access to the server installation directory.

Perform this task from the server where Spotfire Statistics Services is installed.


  1. Browse to the directory SPSERVER_HOME/tomcat/bin (where SPSERVER_HOME is your server installation directory).
  2. Right click the file TSSS<service_name>w.exe (where service_name is the value that you specified during installation), and then click Run as administrator.
  3. If you are prompted to confirm this action, click OK.
    The service Procrun Properties dialog box is displayed
  4. Click the Java tab.
  5. Under Java Options, add the specific Java property.
    Examples of properties and values that you could set include:
    • -Dengine.count=4
    • -Dspserver.rhome=/path/to/r
    Note: See Configuring an open-source R engine for more detailed information about setting the path to an open-source R engine.

What to do next

Restart the service.