This is Spotfire®

Do you want to do ad-hoc analytics, perform in-depth exploration of data, or create informative, up-to-date dashboards? Then TIBCO Spotfire® is the tool. In this user's guide, you learn what Spotfire is, and how to get the most out of it. You will find what you can do to gain insights about your data, and how to do it in detail, all supplemented with examples that serve as a source of inspiration.

You get informed of how to get the data into the analysis, and how to visualize and interact with it to answer the questions you might have. Interactions involve anything from filtering to data of interest, drilling down to more detailed levels of the data, performing calculations on the data to applying statistical methods.

The Spotfire user interface assists you in analyzing the data by providing recommendations on visualizations that fit the data you want to display. You can also get assistance in discovering relationships in the data, or how to add new data in good ways. Recommendations and tips are indicated using a light bulb icon.

Your findings can be shared with others in different ways, and you have a lot of options to customize the visual appearance of an analysis.

In addition, you learn how to know the details of your data, and how to keep track of data history from the initial loading to the current content after manipulating and cleansing it.

To get started:

The User Interface

Load Data

Know the Data

Visualize Data

Analyze Data

Make Calculations on the Data

Share with Others


Note: This user's guide contains information about all functionality that can be used within the Spotfire end user environment. If you do not have access to all licenses, some tools described in this help will be unavailable. For more information on licenses, see the TIBCO Spotfire Administration Manager – User's Guide. For details on the functionality in different products within the Spotfire environment, see

Last update: 2020-10-29