Export to PDF - Dialog

What is currently visualized in an analysis can be exported to a PDF document using the Export to PDF dialog. You access the dialog via File > Export > To PDF on the menu bar.

From the dialog, you can

In both cases, a preview of the PDF output is provided.

An example of an Export to PDF dialog is shown above.

Beneath What to Export (a), you can select to export the entire analysis (All pages), parts of it, or prepared analysis reports (b). A simple click on Export in the lower right corner returns the PDF output. You can, though, before clicking Export, modify the appearance of the PDF output using various settings. Which modifications you can do depend on what you select to export.

Note: When exporting a prepared report, all settings are made within the report itself. You only need to click Export to create the PDF document. See Prepared Reports for more information.

The lower left part of the dialog contains settings that are general to the different What to export options (Prepared report is an exception). You can

The preview (g) represents the final PDF pages. It reflects what is currently selected to be exported, and the settings made. Above the preview, the number of PDF pages that are created in the export is displayed (h), and you can use the scroll bar to navigate among them. Buttons for zooming in and out in the preview are available (i). By zooming out, for example, you get an overview of the pages.

See also:

General Settings in Export to PDF

Specifying What to Export

Prepared Reports