Guia do Usuário do Cliente Web Spotfire®

Adding or editing a document property

Document properties can either be added manually, updated using a property control, or specified as the output from a data function calculation.

About this task

If you want to add a new document property and its value manually, you can use the Document properties panel. In the Document properties panel, you can also edit or delete properties, or get an overview of where different properties are used.

See also Document properties for general information.

Before you begin

You must be an author with the Advanced Document Properties license feature. You can only use the Document properties panel when in Editing mode.

To add or edit text areas with property controls, you must use the installed client.


  1. On the menu bar, select View > Document properties.
  2. In the Document properties panel, click New property.
  3. In the New document property dialog, enter a name and specify a data type. Optionally you can add a description and enter a value.
  4. Click OK.
    Tip: You can also open the Document properties panel at a later time and select Edit or Edit value from the context menu to open the Edit document property dialog or to only change the value.


The new document property is added to the list, and can be used as a global variable. The variable value can be used in calculations, expressions, as an input value for a data function or action, or directly in visualizations as a target value or similar. See Using document, data table or column properties in an analysis and the following topics for some examples.