Guia do Usuário do Cliente Web Spotfire®

Exporting data

You can export data from your analysis either to a local file or to the library. When you export to the library, it is always data from a data table that will be exported, but when you export to a local file, you can choose between data from a data table or the data visible in a visualization.

Exporting data to the library

About this task

The data that is exported to the library will be saved in an SBDF file (Spotfire Binary Data Format file), which stores the data and metadata from your analysis in binary form.


  1. On the menu bar, select File > Export > Data to library.
    The Export data to library dialog is opened.
  2. Select which Data table to export data from.
    Data that is located in an external data source (in-database) cannot be exported to the library, and will not be available for selection.
  3. Select what data to export:
    • All rows - exports all rows available in the entire data table, regardless of filtering.
    • Filtered rows - exports the rows remaining after the current filtering (using the filtering scheme on the active page).
    • Marked rows - exports the rows marked in the visualizations (using the specified marking). Note that all marked rows will be exported, even if they are filtered out.
  4. Click OK.
  5. On the Files and data flyout, navigate to the library folder where you want to save the data, and specify a name.
  6. Optionally, click Edit description and keywords to add additional information regarding the saved data.
  7. Click Save.
    The data is saved as an SBDF file in the specified library folder, and can be reached by anyone with sufficient permissions to the folder.

Exporting data from a visualization to file

About this task

You can export data from any visualization on the active page in the analysis, including the Details-on-Demand, if it is visible. When you export data from a visualization, you will get the aggregated values for the visualization items. For tables, cross tables, and summary tables, you can choose to export all data or only the marked data. For all other visualization types, you can export the data that is marked in the visualization. When exporting from the table visualization or the Details-on-Demand, a number of different file formats are available. For all other visualization types, the exported file will always be a tab-separated text file.

Before you begin

To export data from a visualization other than a table, cross table, or summary table, you must first mark the items you want to export.


  1. On the menu bar, select File > Export > Data to file.
    The Export data to file dialog is opened.
  2. Under Export data from, select Visualization.
  3. Select the visualization to base the new data file on from the drop-down list.
    You can export all or marked data from tables, cross tables or, summary tables, or the marked data from any other visualization. You can also select to export the data currently shown in the Details-on-Demand.
  4. If both options are available for the selected visualization, select what data to export:
    • Data for all items - Exports all data in the selected visualization, the way it looks right now. This means that only the data remaining after the current filtering will be exported. This option is available for tables, cross tables, summary tables, and the Details-on-Demand.
    • Data for marked items - Exports data for the currently marked items in the selected visualization. Note that all marked rows will be exported, even if they are filtered out. This option is only available if there are marked items in the analysis.
  5. Select file format.

    Data can be exported as a tab-separated text file (*.txt) for marked items from any visualization.

    For data from a table visualization or the Details-on-Demand, you can export the data to a text file, to an Excel file, to a comma-separated file (*.csv), to a semicolon-separated file (*.csv), to a Spotfire Text Data Format file (*.stdf), or to a Spotfire Binary Data Format file (*.sbdf). See below for more information on SBDF and STDF files. Note that when exporting to Excel, it is always the values that are exported and not the formatting, except for date/time values where the current locale is used.

  6. Click OK.
  7. If you are using the installed client, specify a file name and location for the file, then click Save. If you are using a web client, the file either downloads to your computer, or you are prompted to open or save it, depending on your web browser settings.

Exporting data from the data table to file

About this task

You can export data based on one of the data tables in your analysis.


  1. On the menu bar, select File > Export > Data to file.
    The Export data to file dialog is opened.
  2. Under Export data from, select Data table.
    Note that this option is not available for external (in-db) data. Use Export Data from > Visualization when you want to export from in-db data tables.
  3. In the drop-down list, select which data table to export data from.
  4. Select what data to export:
    • All rows - exports all rows available in the entire selected data table, regardless of filtering.
    • Filtered rows - exports the rows remaining after the current filtering (using the filtering scheme on the active page).
    • Marked rows - exports the rows marked in the visualizations (using the specified marking). Note that all marked rows will be exported, even if they are filtered out.
  5. Select file format.
    You can export the data to a tab-separated text file, to an Excel file, to a comma-separated file (*.csv), to a semicolon-separated file (*.csv), to a Spotfire Text Data Format file (*.stdf), or to a Spotfire Binary Data Format file (*.sbdf). See below for more information on SBDF and STDF files. Note that when exporting to Excel, it is always the values that are exported and not the formatting, except for date/time values where the current locale is used.
  6. Click OK.
  7. If you are using the installed client, specify a file name and location for the file, then click Save. If you are using a web client, the file either downloads to your computer, or you are prompted to open or save it, depending on your web browser settings.

SBDF and STDF files

The Spotfire Binary Data Format (*.sbdf) stores the data and metadata from your analysis in binary form. It can be used to greatly increase the performance when working with linked data in Spotfire.

The Spotfire Text Data Format also includes metadata. For example, the data types of the columns are saved, so you do not need to specify any import settings when opening files of this data format in Spotfire. If you select the Spotfire Text Data Format (*.stdf) you will be able to open the file in older versions of Spotfire, but you might not get all functionality of the Spotfire Text Data Format.