Preference Group/Preference |
Description |
PieChartPreferences |
Default Title |
Specifies the default title of new pie charts. For example, "the pie sector size axis" per "pie sector color axis": ${InnerAxis.SectorSize.DisplayName} per ${InnerAxis.Color.DisplayName} |
LegendVisible |
Specifies whether or not the legend should be displayed when creating a new pie chart. |
PieSectorCategoryLabel |
Specifies whether or not the sector category label should be displayed when creating a new pie chart. |
PieSectorPercentageDecimals |
Specifies the number of decimals to display for the percentage value. The number specified here will also affect the number of decimals shown for pie sectors in the tooltip. Enter a value between 0 and 6. |
PieSectorPercentageLabel |
Specifies whether or not the sector percentage label should be displayed when creating a new pie chart. |
PieSectorPercentageThreshold |
Specifies a threshold value for pie sector percentages. The labels for sectors whose percentage fall below the specified threshold value will be excluded. Enter a value between 1 and 100. |
PieSectorValueLabel |
Specifies whether or not the pie sector value label should be displayed when creating a new pie chart. |
UseSeparateColorForMarkedItems |
Specifies whether the pie chart should use a separate color for marked pie sectors or just dim the unmarked pie sectors. |
See also: