Supported Functions

Supported functions are the functions that you can use when you work with in-database data tables, for example for calculated columns and custom expressions. If a function is not supported natively by your database then TDV imports the data and computes it in-memory automatically.

Important: In Spotfire versions earlier than 12.3.0, when you created a connection to TDV you had to specify the type of data source in the System Selection drop-down menu. The selection determined what functions you could use, because not all functions were available for all databases.
The System Selection drop-down menu is no longer available. When you open an analysis in a Spotfire version older than 12.3.0, the System Selection will be Default automatically. If the function that you use in your analysis is data source specific and not available in Default, you might see an error message similar to Missing function: <function> or observe other unwanted behavior of the data.

Date and Time Functions

Day, DayName, DayOfMonth, Days_Between, Hour, MilliSecond, Minute, Month, Months_Between, Second, Quarter, Year

Conversion Functions


Math Functions

Abs, ACos, ASin, ATan, Cbrt, Ceiling, Cos, Cot, Degrees, Exp, Floor, Ln, Log, Pi, Power, Radians, Rand, Random, Round, Sin, Sqrt, Tan


+, -, *, /, %

Text Functions

Concat, Dle_Dst, InitCap, Instr, Le_Dst, Length, Lower, LPad, RPad, RTrim, Trim, Upper, Space, Replace, Substring

Statistical Functions

Avg, Corr, Count, CoVar_Pop, CoVar_Samp, Max, Median, Min, Sum, Stddev, Stddev_Pop, Stddev_Samp, UniqueCount, Var_Pop, Var_Samp, Variance, Variance_Pop, Variance_Samp

See also:

Details on TIBCO Data Virtualization Connection

TIBCO Data Virtualization Data Types