How to Use the Heat Map

To add a dendrogram:

  1. Right-click the visualization to display the pop-up menu.

  2. Select Properties.

  3. Go to the Dendrograms page.

  4. Select dendrogram type in the Settings for drop-down list.

  5. Select the Show row dendrogram or Show column dendrogram check box depending on the dendrogram type you selected in the previous step.

    Response: The settings for the selected dendrogram become available in the bottom part of the dialog.

  6. Click the Calculated hierarchical clustering radio button.

    Comment: To use an already existing dendrogram instead, click the Imported radio button, select which dendrogram to use from the data table selector, and continue to step 12.

  7. Click Settings.

    Response: The Edit Clustering Settings dialog is opened.

  8. Select the Clustering method, Distance measure, and Ordering weight from the drop-down lists.

    Comment: To learn more about the possible clustering settings, see Clustering Methods Overview, Distance Measures Overview, and Ordering Weight.

  9. Select how to replace empty values from the Empty value replacement Method drop-down list.

    Comment: For descriptions of the available replacement methods, see Details on Edit Clustering Settings.

  10. If you want to normalize the values in the heat map, select a Normalization Method from the drop-down list.

    Comment: To learn more about normalization methods, see Normalizing Columns.

  11. When done, click OK to close the dialog.

  12. For the dendrogram to show the correct clustering data, you must update it. Click the Automatically radio button if you want updates to appear automatically every time a setting is changed. If you want to control when the dendrogram is updated, click the Manually radio button, and then the Update button.

    Response: The dendrogram is displayed in the visualization.

    Comment: You can change the placement of the dendrogram under Position.

To apply coloring:

See Coloring in Cross Tables and Heat Maps to learn how to set up coloring for heat maps specifically. See Coloring Overview if you want to learn more about coloring in general.

To create a new heat map:

  1. On the authoring bar, click    to open the Visualization types flyout.

  2. Drag the Heat map visualization to the wanted position on the analysis page.

    Response: A first attempt to set up a heat map is made.

  3. Adjust the heat map to display the data of your choice.

See also:

What is a Heat Map?

Heat Map Properties