Spotfire® Web Client User Guide

Opening a visualization mod that is saved locally

A visualization mod can be saved as a .mod file and then distributed between users, via, for example, email or by publishing it on websites. You can download and save such a .mod file locally, and then open the visualization mod in an analysis.

About this task

Note: When allowing custom code to run within an analysis, it is important to consider security. For more information, see Manage trust.

Before you begin

Make sure data is loaded into the analysis.


  1. On the authoring bar, click Files and data .
    The Files and data flyout opens.
  2. In the flyout, click Browse local file, and locate the .mod file.
  3. Right-click the .mod file, and click Open.
    The visualization mod is added to the analysis page.

    Alternatively, drag the .mod file to the analysis page as illustrated in the example below.


The Network Chart.mod file is saved locally. Dragging the file to an analysis results in an opened Network Chart.