TIBCO Cloud™ Spotfire® Web Client User Guide

Displaying item details

The actual values of the data rows that are included in visualization items (like bars in a bar chart or sectors in a pie chart) can be viewed in the Details-on-Demand panel.

About this task

To select which items the row values should be displayed for, you mark them. If you mark, for example, a bar in a bar chart, all the data rows included in that bar are listed in Details-on-Demand panel as shown below.
Details-on-Demand example

Before you begin

A visualization is created.


  1. If the Details-on-Demand panel is not visible, select View > Details-on-Demand on the menu bar.
    The Details-on-Demand panel is shown on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. In the visualization, mark the items which you want to display row details for.
    The data rows included in the marked items are listed in the panel.
    Note: When a visualization combines data from more than one visualization, the Details-on-Demand will show data from the main data table only. For analyses with multiple data tables, settings for the Details-on-Demand must be defined for each data table.
    Tip: As long as you work with imported data and you use the Details-on-Demand to view information about more than one row, you can also use the Details-on-Demand as a starting point when replacing values in a data table.