Email Configuration

You can configure email notifications from Team Studio using the Email Configuration dialog box, which is available only to administrators.




  1. To navigate to the email configuration settings, from the sidebar menu, click Administration, and then click Email Configuration.

  2. To edit settings, click Edit Configuration.
    From Address Address from which emails are sent.
    Reply-to Address Address that is sent to if a user responds to an email notification.
    Address Address of the SMTP server.
    Port Port of the SMTP server.
    HELO Domain HELO is an SMTP command sent by an email client when connecting to an email server. The command tells the server that the client wants to initiate an email transaction. It is followed by the client's domain name.

    For example, if you are using a Gmail SMTP server, the HELO Domain is

    Authentication Authentication method for sending passwords in the emails sent to new users. This setting can be one of the following.
    • Plain: Send the password as nonsecure plain text.
    • Login: Send the password Base64-encoded.
    • Cram MD5: Combines a Challenge/Response mechanism to exchange information and a cryptographic Message Digest 5 algorithm to hash important information.
    Username User name for the email service.
    Password Password for the email service.
    STARTTLS Auto When enabled, automatically detects if STARTTLS is enabled in your SMTP server and, if so, uses it.
    OpenSSL Verify Mode When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate. This setting is useful if you need to validate a self-signed certificate or a wildcard certificate, or both.
    Caution: If Username and Password are not set, SMTP authentication is not enabled. An SMTP server that does not require authentication is vulnerable to malicious activity. Proper network security, including host whitelisting and firewall and routing rules, should be ensured.
  3. Click Update to save the changes.
  4. To test the new settings, click Send Test Email.