Adding Data to a Workspace

For limited-visibility data sources, you must associate them with each workspace you want them to be accessible to.


You must be either a data administrator or an application administrator.


  1. From the sidebar menu, click Data.
  2. Select the data source.
  3. Click Associate Data Source to a Workspace.
    If this option does not appear, ensure that the data source you have selected is Limited visibility. If it is Public, the data source is already available to all workspaces.
    Note: Associating a data source to a workspace makes it visible, but users must still have proper credentials to access the data within. You can set this up in one of three ways.
    • Shared credentials: Everyone uses the same set of credentials-this is the most broad scope.
    • Workspace credentials: Everyone in the workspace uses the same set of credentials. See Controlling Data Source Permissions.
    • Individual credentials: Each member that wants to access the data source must have credentials for that data source.