Adding Tasks to a Job

A job can run four different types of tasks.

  • Import Source Data: Use this task to import data into your workspace sandbox. This is useful if you want to import data into your sandbox on a recurring basis.
  • Run a Workflow: Use this task to run a workflow in the workspace.
  • Run a SQL Work File: Use this task to run a SQL work file.
  • Run a Python Notebook: Use this task to run a Python Notebook.


  1. Click Add Task or select one of the listed tasks to get started.
  2. Choose a task type.
    For example, for a workflow, a dialog box is displayed that shows the workflows you have access to in this workspace. Select the workflow to run. If you want to run more than one workflow in succession, create another task for it within the job.

    You can add several tasks to a job. They are run synchronously.

  3. To change the sequence of the tasks, use the up and down arrows to the right of the task list.