Null Value Replacement (DB)

Replaces null values of the selected fields of the data set with designated values. This is helpful as a pre-cleansing data step.

Information at a Glance

Note: You can also use this operator in a workflow that uses TIBCO® Data Virtualization and Apache Spark 3.2 or later.


Category Transform
Data source type DB
Send output to other operators Yes
Data processing tool n/a
Note: The Null Value Replacement (DB) operator is for database data only. For Hadoop data, use the Null Value Replacement (HD) operator.


A data set from the preceding operator.


Parameter Description
Notes Notes or helpful information about this operator's parameter settings. When you enter content in the Notes field, a yellow asterisk appears on the operator.
Replace Null Columns The columns in which to replace null values. See Null Value Replacement Configuration dialog (DB) for more information.
Output Type
  • TABLE outputs a database table. Specifying TABLE enables Storage Parameters.
  • VIEW outputs a database view.
Output Schema The schema for the output table or view.
Output Table Specify the table path and name where the output of the results is generated. By default, this is a unique table name based on your user ID, workflow ID, and operator.
Storage Parameters Advanced database settings for the operator output. Available only for TABLE output.

See Storage Parameters dialog for more information.

Drop If Exists Specifies whether to overwrite an existing table.
  • Yes - If a table with the name exists, it is dropped before storing the results.
  • No - If a table with the name exists, the results window shows an error message.


Visual Output
The data rows of the output table or view displayed (up to 2000 rows of the data).
Data Output
A data set of the newly created table or view.