LiveView 10.4.3 Release Notes

These were the release notes for the TIBCO LiveView™ component of TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams 10.4.3.

New Features

LiveView 10.4.3 added the following updates and new features:

New Connectivity Wizard

A new connectivity wizard available in Studio allows you to quickly stand up a LiveView server application for purposes of streaming live data to TIBCO Spotfire® X. You can use the wizard to configure a LiveView table to collect a window of streaming data from selected data sources, including:

  • Apache Kafka


  • MQTT – MQ Telemetry Support

  • StreamBase Feed simulation

The connectivity wizard is available in Studio's File menu. The wizard is largely self-documenting; see starting point documentation in the Concepts Guide on the Connectivity Wizard page.

Auto-increment Option Now Added to LiveView Table Primary Key Field

LiveView tables can now specify a long data type, primary key field as an auto-increment field. The field remains like any other, excepting when rows are published to the table, the auto-increment field in the published row is ignored and an incrementing value substituted.

This effectively means the table will always add a new row on publish; updates to existing rows are not possible. Since primary keys can be multiple fields, you can use an autoincr field in combination with a timestamp field and guarantee that every arriving tuple is added as a new row, even if the timestamps happen to be the same for multiple rows.

You can still delete rows through the publish path; in the delete case the field defined as auto-increment is not ignored and must be set to a matching value in the table.

In this release, enable the auto-increment feature by editing your data table's lvconf file in XML source mode to add the autoincr attribute to a primary key. For example:

  <field ref="SequenceNumber" autoincr="true"/>

Support for this feature in Studio's forms-based LiveView Configuration File Editor is expected in an upcoming release.

LiveView MQTT Recovery Publisher Sample Now Added

A new LiveView recovery publisher sample is now available. The sample demonstrates how data can be recovered and published to a LiveView table via an MQTT message bus.

Changes in Functionality

This release included the following changes in functionality.

LiveView Authentication and Authorization Sample Now Includes Optional LDAP Configuration

The LiveView Authentication Sample now includes optional, commented-out LDAP configuration.

LiveView .NET Client API Updated

The .NET Client API was updated to include all current LiveView capabilities. For more information see .NET Client API documentation.

Deprecated and Removed Features

Not applicable to this release.

Migration and Compatibility

Not applicable to this release.

Resolved Issues

This section provides a list of errors corrected in release 10.4.3 of TIBCO LiveView™ component of TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams. LiveView 10.4.3 inherited all fixes on the 2.2.x release branch through 2.2.7.

Number Resolution
CQS‑4798 In rare circumstances when an ORDER BY query result set had rows removed by a delete query — and when there were no continuous updates occurring — the expected LIMIT number of rows was sometimes not replenished. This resulted in smaller than expected result sets.
SB‑46335 In releases 10.4.0, 10.4.1, and 10.4.2, right-clicking an EventFlow module in a LiveView project and selecting Run As>EventFlow Fragment (or Debug As) to run or debug the module independent of the enclosing LiveView project resulted in an error. This feature was restored starting in release 10.4.3.
SB‑46276 Since release 10.4.1, when LiveQL aggregate queries experienced underflow conditions, it was possible for subsequent add and remove events to be missed. This was fixed.