LiveView System Tables

LiveView system tables provide information about your LiveView Server instance. This section describes the standard set of LiveView system tables, listed in the order used by the lv-client listtables command.

All system tables have one or more internal columns whose names generally begin with CQS. You must never change the contents of these internal columns. Internal columns are not shown on this page, and are not shown by default in the output of lv-client listtable tablename. You can see the internal columns by appending -a to an lv-client command: lv-client listtable tablename -a.

LiveView system tables can be customized. See the LiveView Advanced Alerting sample's documentation page for more information.


The LVSessionPublishers table contains session publisher statistics information; its columns are described in the following table.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
PID long Publisher ID.
SID string Session ID.
User string User name for this session. User will always be null instead of blank ('') unless Authentication is used.
ClientInfo string Browser client identification unless overridden by connection settings.
TableName string Name of the table published to.
Publisher string Table publisher-supplied identifying text.
LastPublishedSN long Table publisher-supplied sequence number.
LastPersistedSN long Table publisher-supplied sequence number. Useful when table persistence is enabled.
TotalPublished long Total tuples published since server start.
Created timestamp When this publisher session started.
LastPublish timestamp When the last published tuple was sent.
PublishedPerSecond double Number of tuples per second published.


The LVTables table contains information about all tables (system and data) in a given project.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
Name string The name of the table.
TableGroup string The full group the table belongs to.
ShortDescription string Short description of the table.
Description string Full description of the table.
TableSpace string The name of table space that the table is part of.
Capabilities string The capabilities of this table, in a comma-delimited list, including the types of queries that are supported (continuous or not, TopN, Time-windowed), and whether the table supports alert rules and deletion.
QueryLanguages string The query languages that the table supports. Possible values are LiveView and SQL.
isEnabled bool True if this row's table is enabled; false otherwise.
Indices string Comma- and semicolon-separated list of indexes in the table. The first index listed is always the primary key.
StatusENUM string Enum whose values describe the current status of this table.
StatusMessage string Message describing this table's current status.
IsSystemTable bool True if this is a system table.
CreateTime timestamp The time this table was created, which is not necessarily the time it was last started.
Filter string Predicate filter on the base table.
NumServers int Number of remote servers backing the table in the server pool.
RejectedServers int Number of remote servers rejected for backing the table in the server pool because of schema mismatch.


The LVSessions table contains session information including remote host and recent activity. The columns are described in the following table.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
SID string Session ID.
User string User name for this session. User will always be null instead of blank ('') unless Authentication is used.
Host string The Host IP for this session.
QueryCount int The total number of queries from this session.
LastRequestTime timestamp The last time the session communicated with the server.
LastRequest string The last request made from this session.
ClientInfo string Browser client identification unless overridden by connection settings.
Created timestamp The time this session was created.
Type string The protocol type for this session.
SessionTimeout long The quiescent period before this session will be closed.


The LVSessionQueries table contains session query information, including predicate and performance information. The columns are described in the following table.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
SID string Session ID.
User string User name for this session. User will always be null instead of blank ('') unless Authentication is used.
ClientInfo string Browser client identification unless overridden by connection settings.
QID int Query ID.
Type string Type of query (snapshot, continuous, or snapshot and continuous).
TableName string The table specified in the query.
Projection string The projection portion of the query.
PredicateExpression string The predicate portion of the query.
EndOfSnapshot bool Boolean indicating whether the snapshot is complete.
SnapshotTime long Number of milliseconds the snapshot took.
Exception string Last exception text, if any.
SnapshotAdds int Number of tuples added during snapshot.
Added int Number of tuples added.
Updated int Number of tuples updated.
Removed int Number of tuples removed.
Sent int Number of tuples sent.
Pending int Number of tuples waiting to be sent.
RemoteServer string The remote server this query was sent to, if applicable.
SharedID string The shared Query ID


The LVTableColumns table contains information about all table columns in a given project.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
TableName string The name of the table that contains this column.
ColumnName string The name of this column.
Type string Data type of this column.
ShortName string Short name of this column that appears in the column headings.
Description string The full description of this column.


The LVAlerts table contains information about alerts in a project.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
AlertKey string A string identifier for an alert rule, generated by the server at the time that the alert actions are executed
AlertRuleGUID string GUID of this alert rule.
SourceInternalID long LiveView internal ID of the source table.
SourceTable string The name the LiveView data table against which the alert conditions are checked.
AlertRuleName string Name assigned to this alert.
Created timestamp When this alert was created.
LastModified timestamp When this alert was last modified.
Severity int Severity value integer, which can be 1 (Low), 3 (Medium), and 5 (High). The default value is 3 (Medium).
Recipient string The username of an intended recipient of the alert. The default is "*" to indicate "anyone".
Message string The default notification message for the alert.
Payload string A LiveQL query predicate specifying data conditions in the specified table. When the predicate evaluation changes from false to true, the alert fires.


The LVAlertRulesStatus table contains information about the current status of alert rules that have fired.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
AlertRuleGUID string The GUID of the alert rule that fired.
Name string Name of the alert that fired.
LastFired timestamp The last time this alert fired.
AlertsPerMinute int Number of alerts that occurred in the last minute.
Enabled bool Whether or not this rule will fire when triggered; the default value is true.
Status string The current status of this alert. Services-only layers (which by design do not run the alert service, nor * alert group alerts) may report NONLOCAL when they otherwise would normally report LOCAL.
ServerRole string The local server status of this alert. For front ends/services-only layers (which by design do not run the alert service), the ServerRole will always show the server as NOT_PARTICIPATING, even if there is no other node in the cluster. This is because the alert service is used to estimate the status, and as the alert service is disabled, the actual alert status is unknown.
AlertGroup string The group this alert is part of.


The LiveViewStatistics table has five columns that present diagnostic information about each table in a project, plus one column for the table's name. The columns are described in the following table.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
TableName string Name of the LiveView table.
RecordCount long Number of rows in the LiveView table named in the previous field.
InboundTuplesPerSec int The rate, in tuples per second, that data is being published to the specified table.
TotalQueuedTuples int The total number of tuples waiting in queues that need to be processed.
MBMemoryUsed int Approximate number of megabytes the specified table currently consumes.
TotalTuplesPublished long The total number of tuples sent to the specified table, including updates and inserts.


The LVNodeInfo table has six columns that present information about LiveView nodes. The columns are described in the following table.

Column Name Data Type Column Description
Category string Category of information to be displayed about the node. One of System, JVM, GC, Cluster, and Alerts.
Name string Names of items within each category. For example, the JVM category has a name of "Current Heap Used MB" which provides a real-time heap usage in the Value column.
Instance string Relevant for cluster items such as Table and Alert Groups. Also identifies the cluster name.
Value string Values of named items from the Name column.
Information string Additional information about named items. For example, for JVM, Version Information has the path to the JVM in-use.
UpdateTime timestamp Time of the most recent update to the row.