Adapters Guide

Click here for the list of adapters available to use with StreamBase or LiveView.

Adapters are programs that convert data to and from the StreamBase tuple protocol. You can use adapters to:

  • Convert data from real-time sources such as financial market data feeds or an IoT device.

  • Convert data from an external resource such as a CSV file or database table.

  • Convert processed StreamBase tuples into the format used by an external resource, such as an XML file.

Current StreamBase adapters are embedded, which means they run in the same TIBCO StreamBase® server process that hosts and processes your EventFlow or LiveView fragment. Embedded adapters start and stop automatically with the node that hosts your fragment.

TIBCO StreamBase adapters are considered either Standard or Premium adapters. Standard adapters are licensed as part of your TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams license, while Premium adapters require separate licensing. This subject is discussed on the License Considerations page.

If you need functionality not provided by an existing StreamBase adapter, you can implement your own custom adapter using the StreamBase Java Client library. See the Creating Custom Java Embedded Adapters for further information.