LiveView 10.5.0 Release Notes

These were the release notes for the TIBCO LiveView™ component of TIBCO® Data Streams 10.5.0.

New Features

LiveView 10.5.0 adds the following updates and new features:

LiveView Data Table Trimming Option Now Added

LiveView now includes the option to set retention policies for maintaining table data. See Retention Policy for more information.

New Row Level Security Privilege Added

LiveView now supports restricting access to specified rows in LiveView tables for a given user. See Setting Row Level Security for LiveView Tables for details.

Cluster-wide Alerting Now Added

LiveView supports a cluster-wide alerting service to share alerts across backend LiveView servers. See this page for details.

The LVAlertRulesStatus system table now includes the ServerRole and AlertGroup columns to accommodate this feature.

New LiveView Table Group Strategy Added

A new high availability table group strategy allows HA tables to keep all queries from a single session on a single back end server. See Configuration Strategies for details.

New Hash Algorithm Added to Improve Snapshot Parallelism

A snapshot parallelism algorithm was added to improve load and query performance where a query needs to scan many rows of a LiveView table. See Using Parallelism and Concurrency for details.

White List Now Added For Execute Java Alert Actions

LiveView Execute Java Alert Actions now have their configured class validated against a configurable server wide white list. There is a system property liveview.alert.execjava.class.whitelist.glob which is set to a semicolon-separated list of globs that represent acceptable classes to invoke. The property has a default value of: com.tibco.ldm.sample.*.

New Command Option Added to Compress Exported Metadata Files

The exportmetadata command now includes an option to compress exported metadata files. See the lv-client command page for details.

New REST Alert Action Added

A new action was added to LiveView alerts, which can optionally call REST endpoints (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) when the alert triggers. See this page for configuration details, or the LiveView Alerting sample's README to demonstrate the action.

New System Property Added to Display IP Addresses Forwarded Through Proxies

A new system property liveview.server.forwards.use was added to access the originating IP address of a request when it is forwarded through a proxy.

New Metadata Store Database Options Available

The LiveView Metadata store now supports Oracle 18c, Microsoft SQL Server 2017, and MySQL 8.0 databases.

Reliable LiveView Client Publishing Now Supported

The LiveView Java client API now supports a feedback mechanism to allow clients to register publishers on the LiveView server and solicit feedback at scheduled intervals. All acknowledgements for published tuples are sent back on a listener to verify tuples were published. Refer to the Javadoc for details.

The LVSessionPublishers system table now includes the LastPersistedSN and renamed LastPublishedSN (was LastPublishedID) columns to accommodate this feature.

A new Reliable Publish Sample is available for LiveView as well. See the Adapter Guide for details.

New LiveView System Table Added for Node Status

The LiveView system table LVNodeInfo was added to show information about LiveView nodes.

Changes in Functionality

This release includes the following changes in functionality:

New Data Source for LiveView Connectivity Wizard

The LiveView Connectivity Wizard now offers to create a simple LiveView server instance from a TIBCO Cloud Messaging service in addition to the data sources previously supported.

LiveView Desktop Now Based on Eclipse 4.12

TIBCO LiveView Desktop™ and LiveView Desktop Workspace Manager are now based on Eclipse 4.12. As a result, these applications now install and run only on 64-bit Windows. The installers for these applications reflect the 64-bit change in their file names, now ending with _win_x86_64.msi. LiveView Desktop users may be prompted to upgrade their workspace format, which proceeds automatically and silently once permission is granted.

This change also affects TIBCO StreamBase Studio™ and StreamBase Manager, as described in New Features .

LiveView Engine Configuration Now Supports EventFlowDeployment Root Object

EventFlowDeployment root objects are now supported in the com.tibco.ep.ldm.configuration.ldmengine configuration type. Note that since EventFlowDeployment objects are deploy-time and LDMEngine objects are typically design-time, you would typically not combine them into one configuration file, but you are now free to do so if your application deployment requires it.

LiveView ORDER BY Queries Now Conflate Updates and Results by Default

By default ORDER BY queries now conflate updates and results, which are calculated and emitted once per second. This means it is possible for ephemeral data — such as data that is added and remove quickly — to never appear to the client. Previously, every event recalculated ORDER BY and potentially emitted updates.

You can control the conflation period for all tables by setting the system property liveview.topn.calc.period.default to the number of milliseconds you want to wait between updates. You can change single tables by setting liveview.topn.calc.period.tablename

Setting the period to 0 returns to previous behavior where every event recalculates ORDER BY.

LiveView Client Connections No Longer Accept Enciphered Passwords in URIs

For security reasons, LiveView client connections now require that you provide an actual password in URIs when authentication is enabled. Connections no longer accept enciphered passwords in URIs.

Deprecated and Removed Features

LiveView 10.5.0 has the following deprecations.

Calculated Column Query Privilege Deprecated and Removed

The LiveView table management privilege, LiveViewTableCCQuery, which was deprecated in 10.4.3 is removed from 10.5.0.

When upgrading a LiveView project containing the LiveViewTableCCQuery privilege to 10.5.0, you must remove the privilege from the role-to-privilege mapping configuration in order to compile your LiveView project.

Deprecated Legacy Alert ID and Related APIs Now Removed

The AlertRuleGUID column was added to the LVAlerts and LVAlertRulesStatus system tables in 10.3.0. As a result, the deprecated AlertRuleID column is now removed in 10.5.0 from these tables.

Deprecated LiveView Java and .NET client API methods were also removed, including those for LiveView Desktop and LiveView Workspace Manager. See the respective client API documentation for details.

With the removal of AlertRuleID, pre-10.3.0 clients will not be able to see or modify alerts when connected to LiveView 10.5.0 servers. TIBCO therefore recommends updating LiveView clients to at least 10.3.0.

Migration and Compatibility

JavaScript API Now Changed for Tuple ID

In this release, the tuple ID algorithm was changed to reduce ID collisions. You may required to remove user-persisted IDs if you use the JavaScript API and persist the tuple ID across server reboots.

Atmosphere JavaScript Library Now Upgraded

The Atmosphere JavaScript library was upgraded to version 2.5.2.

Metadata Resources File Name Now Changed

LiveView supports loading metadata resources on the startup. Prior to 10.5.0, the default name for the file was resources.json. As of 10.5.0, the file name changed to lvmetadata.json. For backward compatibility, the deprecated resources.json file name continues to be supported; support is expected to be removed in a future release.

LiveView Resolved Issues

This section provides a list of errors corrected in release 10.5.0 of the TIBCO LiveView™ component of TIBCO® Data Streams.

Fixed in 10.5.0
Number Resolution
TIBCO LiveView™ 10.5.0 incorporates all fixes resolved in the release 10.0 series through 10.4.4 and all fixes resolved in the release 2.2 series through 2.2.7.
CQS-5004 In some cases, spurious errors were being shown in the Source tab of the LiveView Configuration File Editor. These were fixed.
General Alerts stored using the multiple server support feature introduced in 10.3.0, while accurately stored, did not have a mechanism to determine which LiveView server instance should run the alert. The cluster wide alerting feature introduced in 10.5.0 resolves this issue.