Export to PDF

You can export parts of an analysis to a PDF file, and save the file to a destination of your choice on the computer running Spotfire Automation Services.

You can choose between two types of PDF export:
  • Export selected visualizations or pages as they currently appear in the analysis.
  • Export based on bookmarks.
With bookmarks export, you can export all the bookmarks of interest, in one single export operation and to one single document. Each of the bookmarks will automatically be applied in turn during the export, and the resulting PDF document will contain one version of the analysis (or parts of it) for each bookmark.

If you want to make sure that the document is saved as a new file each time the job is executed, you can add a field to the file name; for more information, see Inserting a field in a Spotfire Automation Services job.

General tab

Export to PDF dialog, General tab
Option Description
Destination Path Specify the location (on the computer running Spotfire Automation Services) and file name of the exported PDF file.
Note: The file will be saved to the node executing the job. Therefore you must make sure that the folder you select as destination folder actually exists on that computer, and that you have writing permissions on the selected folder.
Note: Allowed file paths may be limited by the allowedFilePaths setting in the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file. For more information, see the Spotfire Server and Environment Installation and Administration help.
Export what Define which parts of the analysis to export. For more information about what the options in this drop-down list mean for the different export types, see the following topics in the Spotfire Analyst help: "Exporting to PDF" and "Exporting Bookmarks to PDF".
Note: If you export bookmarks, then the PDF file will contain one set of PDF pages for each bookmark. For example, if you export three bookmarks and select All pages, then you will get a PDF document containing all the pages in the analysis times three (that is, one set of all analysis pages for each of the bookmarks). The descriptions of the drop-down list options below are based on regular export where each page or visualization appears only once in the resulting PDF.
Active visualization Exports the active visualization in the analysis (or in the bookmark, for bookmark export) to a single page in a PDF document.
Note: Tables and trellised visualizations may be extended to more than one page.
Active page Exports all the visualizations on the active page in the analysis (or in the bookmark, for bookmark export) to a single page in a PDF document.
Active page (new page for each visualization) Exports all the visualizations on the active page in the analysis (or in the bookmark, for bookmark export) to one or more pages in a PDF document. Each visualization on the active page will be exported to a new page in the PDF document.
Note: Tables and trellised visualizations may be extended to more than one page.
All pages Exports all the visualizations on all the pages in the analysis. Each page will be exported to a new page in the PDF document.
All pages (new page for each visualization) Exports all the visualizations on all the pages in the analysis. Each visualization in the analysis will be exported to a new page in the PDF document.
Note: Tables and trellised visualizations may be extended to more than one page.
Details-on-Demand Exports the Details-on-Demand to one or more pages in a PDF document. Select the check box Trellis panels and table rows not visible on screen if you want to export all the data in Details-on-Demand, including data that is not visible.
Use entire page When exporting to PDF from Automation Services, this option is not applicable because the exported parts of the analysis do not have any proportions when the user interface is not available. Therefore, the result will always be that the exported parts of the analysis are redrawn to fill the entire space of the selected page layout.
Visualization title Indicate whether you want the page titles to be included in the export.
Description Indicate whether you want hidden visualization descriptions to be included in the export. The description will only be visible for visualizations where a description has been entered. If the description is visible in the visualization or legend, it will automatically be included in the export as a part of the visualization.
Note: A long description may be cut off when you export to PDF.
Filter settings Indicate whether you want the filter settings to be included in the export as textual information. Only the values of the modified filters will be listed.
Page title Indicate whether you want the page titles to be included in the export.
Trellis panels and table rows not visible on screen Indicate whether to include non-visible data in trellis panels and tables in the export. If a table contains too many rows to fit on one page in the PDF document, it will be extended to the following pages. Similarly, a trellised visualization with many panels will be extended to the following pages.
Note: Not available if you select to export Active page or All pages. You must select an option where each visualization is exported to a new page.
Page layout Define the size and orientation of the pages in the resulting PDF document.
Margins Define the margins of the page, in pixels.

Advanced tab

Export to PDF dialog, Advanced tab
Option Description
Graphics settings
Items to export Lists the parts of the analysis to include in the export. The items in the list may refer to pages, visualizations, or the Details-on-Demand, depending on the selection that you made under Export what on the General tab.
Name Shows the names of the pages or visualizations to export.
Graphics mode Here you can change which graphics mode each item will be exported as: Vector or Raster. This can be useful if you must keep the file size down.
Note: Using raster graphics does not always result in a smaller file size, but if the file becomes very large when exporting as vector graphics, you can try exporting as raster graphics instead.
All Vector Graphic Click this button to set all the items in the list to be exported using vector graphics.
Note: 3D scatter plots are always exported as raster graphics.
All Raster Graphic Click this button to set all the items in the list to raster graphics.
Raster graphics quality Here you can specify the quality of the export for parts of the analysis that will be exported as raster graphics. This can be useful if you need to keep the file size down. You can specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0, where 1.0 is the lowest quality and will result in a smaller file size.
Note: Using raster graphics will always result in lower quality than vector graphics, even if you set the raster graphics quality to the highest possible value. However, using raster graphics does not always result in a smaller file size.
Header options
Enable page header Select this check box if you want to include a header on each page in the resulting PDF document.
Header height Enter a number between 10 and 100 to adjust the height of the header.
Left, Center, Right Make a selection from each drop-down list to specify the position of the header content, and what to include in the header. The following options are available:
  • Custom text (enter the text of your choice in the field below the drop-down list)
  • Page number
  • Current date
  • Current date and time
Font Settings Specify font, style, and size for the header. The current font settings are displayed to the right of the button
Footer options
Enable page footer Select this check box if you want to include a footer on each page in the resulting PDF document.
Footer height Enter a number between 10 and 100 to adjust the height of the footer.
Left, Center, Right Make a selection from each drop-down list to specify the position of the footer content, and what to include in the footer. The following options are available:
  • Custom text (enter the text of your choice in the field below the drop-down list)
  • Page number
  • Current date
  • Current date and time
Font Settings Specify font, style, and size for the footer. The current font settings are displayed to the right of the button.

Bookmarks tab

The Bookmarks tab is used only when you want to export different views of the analysis, which are defined by selected bookmarks. When you select this option, each of the bookmarks is automatically applied in turn, and the resulting PDF file contains one version of the analysis (or parts of it) for each bookmark. See "Exporting Bookmarks to PDF" in the Spotfire Analyst online help for more information about the result of exporting based on bookmarks.

Export to PDF dialog, Bookmarks tab
Option Description
Export selected views based on bookmarks Select this check box to enable export to a PDF file based on bookmarks. Choose which parts of the analysis to export on the General tab.
[List of available bookmarks] Select the bookmarks you want to export.