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FilterSettings Properties

The FilterSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyhierarchyPaths
The paths of the checked or unchecked, depending on the selected includedFilterSettings, nodes in a CheckBox Hierarchy Filter.
The property contains an array of path elements, one for each selected value.
The list will only contain the top most element of the selected nodes.
If a node contains only selected children, only that (top) node is returned, not the children.
Public propertyhighValue
The high value of a Range Filter.
Public propertyincludeEmpty
Specifies if empty values should be included in the filtering.
Public propertylowValue
The low value of a Range Filter.
Public propertysearchPattern
Specifies search pattern for Text Filters and ListBox Filters.
Public propertyvalues
The values to of a filter column.
  • Item Filters
  • CheckBox Filters
  • RadioButton Filter
  • ListBox Filters
When used with Item Filters and RadioButton Filters; only the first index in the array is used.
See Also