Spotfire Developer Documentation

Configuring and running the debugger for Spotfire Analyst extensions

Spotfire Developer includes a special Spotfire executable for testing the extension that you have developed for addition to Spotfire Analyst.

About this task

Perform this task in Microsoft Visual Studio.
Note: Do not use the executable of your Spotfire Analyst version for debugging. Instead, use the version that is provided with the Spotfire SDK.

Before you begin

  • You must have built a Debug version of your Spotfire extension.
  • You must have completed all of the tasks under Extending the Spotfire installation.
  • You must have saved the Spotfire Package Builder configuration.


  1. Open the solution in Visual Studio.
  2. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and then select Properties.
  3. Select the Debug tab.
  4. Click Start external program, and then browse to the location of the Starter Spotfire executable.
    The special Spotfire executable (Spotfire.Dxp.exe) is located in the Starter directory in the Spotfire SDK distribution.
    Debugging setting in Visual Studio 2012

  5. From the Visual Studio toolbar, click Start.


The debugging session starts, pausing at breakpoints and reporting actions, using the special Spotfire executable.